2087 Words

Our dance ended but I didn't let her go. I wanted to hold her like that for the rest of the evening. "I'm not saying you can't have s*x. I'm just saying you can't be a mistress." She shook her head as if she couldn't believe the idea. "Thank you for that wonderful advice, My King. I really appreciate the encouragement to mess around and be a horny w***e. This is really the best conversation I had tonight. Very educational." I laughed at her humorous sarcasm. "I'm just saying you have the right to choose who you want to be with. You should be free and not be tied up to a married man because of the mate bond. You deserve better." Her face became grim. "I left because I think he deserved better." "You think you're not good enough for him?" I felt her sinking and that made me feel sorr

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