1433 Words

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "I have one concern." It may be the best time to bring it up since this has been a constant annoyance on my part. "What is it?" Leon asked, chuckling. "Spy drones." I rolled my eyes in annoyance just by remembering the flying drones around my place. "I'm sure you all have seen my place." "My Alpha needs some privacy, gentlemen." Viper rushed to my side and poured me a drink which Lucas was quick to take away from my hand. I couldn't object to that since I made a promise to listen to him when he says I should stop drinking. "No more drones." Everyone said in union which gave me a sense of comfort. "I'm sure your sister can handle her liquor." Leon told Lucas. Cane gave a short laugh and said, "She can, Your Highness." He stole the whiskey from Lucas to empty it

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