1416 Words

"But don't worry, I buried that old Hunter. Stack a lot of holy books on top of it, watered it everyday with holy water. To keep it locked away. You guys didn't have to see that version. You're all safe here." I joked. Just to lighten up the mood. Everybody smiled and covered their mouths before they could crack. I sighed at myself. "I never said this to anyone but it wasn't Cane who got to me first." I smiled at Lucas. "It was Lucas." I said and shook my head, I couldn't believe I was going to get emotional so I blinked away some tears before it could show. "When I saw him all beat up, crawling on the ground, fighting to stay awake, and beg the rogues to beat him instead of Cane. I just.." I trailed off, the memory formed a huge lump in my throat so I drank my whiskey to wash it away

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