1896 Words

Tiff gave an amused laughter behind me. "A puppet king of the devil. I got it now. This is so exciting!" I could almost feel all the thrill boiling inside their guts. I didn't have to see their faces but I knew they were all fired up. "This is one hell of a dangerous game." I heard Fossa mused. "It is." I agreed. "That's why we have to be very careful." "How big are we hitting?" Veronica asked curiously. "Everything and everybody that stands in my way." I answered. Ariel nodded. "The usual trick, only a bigger game. Got it." Tiff whistled. "That's really big." "Having second thoughts?" I asked them. The elevator opened and we were now on the ground floor. We walked straight down the hallway past the dining room to head outside. They laughed as they followed behind me and Lucas.

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