1036 Words

I laughed. "Yeah. I am." I comforted her with a soft rub on her back. "Are we going to cry all night? Don't you want to see my gift?" I asked her. She straightened up. "Gift?" She looked at me with a confused face. "You already gave me this dress, Alpha." I shook my head. "That's not my gift." I told her. "That one is." I said and pointed to the bike with a black ribbon on the handle. "OH MY G-O-D!" She screamed each letter and slapped her face a couple of times like as if to cheek if she was dreaming. We laughed watching her reaction. "I knew she would do that." Viper said chuckling. We remembered what Viper said last night and that sunk in again to our brain. It revived the old laughter we shared last night. "Here. Open this first." Lucas handed a box. Catya couldn't leave her

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