1545 Words

My legs started running back to my cabin. My eyes were so blurry with these tears that kept coming. Bang! My body hit something on the way. I thought it was a tree or something but my eyes caught a part of it. Legs, of someone. "I'm sorry. " I apologized. "You are?" Lucas chuckled. His voice was what my ears have been waiting to hear. "Lucas!" I jumped and hugged him. "I never thought I'd hear you say that you know. You never apologized." He said. Hugging me back. I sobbed but with happiness in my voice. "I was stubborn. I just wanted to tell you something that I've wanted to say for a long time." "You became soft now,Hunter. I liked it."Lucas said and hugged me tighter. I chuckled. "I am soft. I was just so afraid to show it." "Or maybe too proud." Cane added. I left Luc

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