"Devils!" Hunter yelled. "Get ready to dance!" She ordered. The women started running inside a place that looked like a diner and a coffee shop. "Tell Mr. Goodman he can wipe tables later!" She added her other request to the late runners in the field to deliver her orders. "The red serpent is the total slay!" Veronica had another devil's horn in her hands. Two bloody horns that had black pointy ends. "It has a serpent's suit!?" Ariel quickly gave the scorpion tails to Hunter and pulled the suit out of the box. It looked like a real deal of a suit. "It's made from a real prehistoric snake's skin, you know. When snakes had lizard legs back then." Hunter told Ariel who was so happy touching the thing. The old man laughed. "You really make things so funny all the time." "What!?" Hunter lau