1095 Words

Wayne's POV Ring! Ring! Ring! I picked up the call, not checking who the caller was. My eyes jumped instinctively at the clock hanging on the wall to check what time I received the unidentified call. Twelve thirty, I noted. "This is Leon." I heard the caller speak. My mood just got more gloomy hearing his voice. "Good day, Your Highness." I greeted him, I've got no energy to be cheerful today after what happened yesterday. Hunter was despicably an evil person, my wife won't talk to me and now I've just lost two of my warriors. "Defend your borders and prepare your warriors just in case." I heard him warn me and I sat up in response. This is what Hunter was warning me about. "Are we at war?" I asked. Not concerned with the proper addressing of his royal s**t. This is entirely his

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