Meeting Theo

1046 Words
LILLYS POV  After axel was drug off to the doctors i heard clapping i turn to see who it was, I was shocked it was Theo what the hell is he doing here  "good job miss lilith" he said walking to my uncle  "well Aaron where have you been hiding her, shes prefect thanks for the call"  I shifted, i untied my head "uncle what is he talking about"  "i got a call from a friend and said you were looking to join my gang and then i accepted and i needed to see for my self what you were made of"  he smirked  "i figured id be meeting you next week" i added "well you see i sent someone to look for you at the airport and he said you were with blue creak pack so i knew i would be able to see you, aaron here is one of my good friends and trusted business partner"  "come theo you must be hungry" aaron stepped into the conversation and led him towards the house  "come on lilly" i walked slowly  luna this is gonna be a little more harder we need to be extra careful my uncle might do something stupid you know how he is from what ive told you. Lilly just watch what you say or do. i agreed with her for once i need to be careful.  i sighed and went to my bedroom to shower once i was done i joined everyone down stairs. i looked around for mia but didnt see her  "wheres mimi" i asked aaron when i felt her behind me she tried to jump on me but i quickly put her on her ass  "what the hell lilly" she laughed  "what have i told you about that you know ive been trained to dodge s**t like that my senses are 10 times better then yours mimi" i smirked helping her up I looked at theos face he looked shocked  "so lilith where did you train" he asked patting the seat next to him. i went and sat down with him  "i was trained for 8 years by my best friend"  "well judging by the way you move and in wolf form is amazing how old are you 25?" he asked taking a drink, i chuckled  "no god no im only 18 i started training when i was 10"  he spit out his water  "thats insane but your so young"  "welll we all choose a path to go down i chose this" "well youd be the youngest in my gang i run a tight ship i need to know you are good with weapons as you are with your hands, you wouldnt be the only wolf but i keep that to my self wolves figure out whos who so i let it happen" he paused "i do tell my human gang members but they need to know anyways due to we do have wolves fighting in their wolf forms they are the strongest thats why we win and we are feared" "well im looking forward to it just le-" i was cut off my the door bell  aaron got up to get it and it was a package of s**t my weapons "lilly its for you from Canada"  he brought it over to me and set it down  "what is it" theo asked  "its my weapons"  "lets see" i opened the box most of my guns were there but my swards caught theos attention "why do you use them what are you" "im a trained wolf when someone needs me for a job they call me and i do it not ask questions, i do it as long as i get payed" theo looked shocked  "well you would be a good addition to my gang id like to have you and by the way you fight id like you to train some of the wolves if you dont mind" theo said  "i dont mind but i cant share all my secretes with them. if i did there would be nothing more to me then but a normal girl you know"  he nodded "i get it trust me but if you do join you'd live with the other wolfs in the other side of the house i have everyone divided and id like to keep it that way"  "i understand dont worry" after sometime of talking with theo he seem pretty chill but i still needed to kill him even if he was ok. i know i shouldnt have told him what i do but maybe he wont know hes on my list.  "alright lilith are you ready to go" he asked me pulling me from my thoughts  "oh uh yes" i nodded and gathered my things hugs mia then left with theo, we walked to the car put my few bags in the back then went to go to him place or where ever i was staying. the whole car ride was quiet and awkward.  We pulled up to a gate then into a big mansion i swear my jaw dropped to the floor and like fell off ive never seen a house this big like god damn.  We parked, me and theo grabbed my bag he led me up the stairs and into a big ass room "you will share this room with Emily shes also a wolf" i just nodded then she walked in she was a red head like me with blue eyes she looked like the quiet type. "oh h-hello i-im e-emily" she was nervous  "hi im lilith but you can call me lilly"  "oh my" i looked at her weird for a second  "your of high rank arent you" she asked me  "a yes im the daughter of an alpha" i said she bowed her head right away  "im sorry alpha"  i waved my hands "oh god please dont im not an alpha im a lone wolf my family and pack was killed by rogues when i was 10" i said looking down  "oh my im so sorry" to my surprise she hugged me  "im sorry to lilith please stay as long as you like" theo said he put my bags down and left  "your gonna like it here and me and you are gonna be good friends" she smiled I hope by me saying what i did doesnt blow my cover or anything i cant get close to emily i feel id let my guard down around her.  Lets just play it safe lilly dont do anything stupid, i growled at luna  oh shut it 
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