A new mission

1435 Words

LILITHS POV Well today is day one of gang training its gonna be fun, hint sarcasm. "lilly, lilly,LILLY wake up lazy bones" Em was jumping on my bed  "im up im up" i groaned flopping onto the cold floor.  "well not quit the look doesnt count come we have training to do plus i heard you are training us"  i sighed "ok ok ill be down in 15 min ok" she left in a hurry. ughh i dont want to get up,LIlly come on get up now. ok ok im getting up luna dont get your tail in a knot. I got up went for a nice hot shower then got dressed i put a sports bra on and a pair of shorts that hugged my butt good. I went down stairs following the smell of emily which led me to the dinning room where humans and wolves ate together. I walked in everyone looked at me i waved "good morning" i sat down next to em

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