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Fico   Fvck!   Arkin is kissing me!   He’s actually kissing me!   How do I fvcking calm down!?!   Shvt!   Alright dude, don’t embarrass yourself.   You’re good at this.   The best even.   Show the love of your life your actual skill.   I heard Arkin moaned and I took that chance to flick my tongue with his.   He stilled for a nanosecond before he let me in and I bit on his lower lip.    Kissing, sucking it.   God I miss this.   I miss Arkin.   I miss us.   “Ngh!”   I heard him groaned before I felt him pushed me away.   We were both breathless when I waved my hand at him, asking what’s the matter.   Arkin bit on his just kissed lips.   A little prettier than your usual swollen I think.    Or I could just really be biased.   “That.”   He cleared his throat before we continue.   “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. We shouldn’t have done that.”   He said as he tipped his head a little and that was when I got the idea.   We were still at the party and we just gave the guests a little live show with how they were still staring at us.   Some mouth agaped.   Hands on their mouths.   I even heard a disapproving grunt when I met Lee’s gaze.   But that was the last of my concern.   For now, Arkin.   “Nah, we should have done that sinner. I even wonder now why I didn’t make the first move the moment I saw you yesterday afternoon.”   Arkin glared at me and I saw him reddened when we heard Saddie from the back ground saying something along the line of you can kiss too if you like, no need to get jealous. As long as everyone is happy, I’ll gladly give you the time to let it all out in this party—which, I personally thing was her go signal for me to make a move at her best friend.   Or I could be wrong.   But whatever it is, I’ve already decided on what to do so whether or not anyone approved, I’m still going in for Arkin.   “I think I’m just gonna go.”   Arkin said when the guests seemed to have finally got over the school of what we just did and he strutted forward towards the way where our room was at.   “Just like that? You just grab me and kiss me out of nowhere and you just leave me like that?”   He pivoted quickly and turned towards me.   “I said I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have done that. I know it’s not an excuse but I think I had a little too much alcohol so I’m just gonna go and rest.”   He said and turned away before he turned right back.   “And again, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”   He said before he walked head down to where Saddie was.    I’m not sure what they were taking about but I was pretty sure Saddie was teasing her best friend about what happened based from the way Arkin’s face turned red despite the yellowish light from all of the fairy lights.   Arkin’s back was still at me but I saw Saddie rolled her eyes and nodded before I saw Arkin made a pace towards the exit and that was when I made a move to follow him waving at Saddie and her fiancé who waved back before I stopped about a couple of meters away from Arkin who was already by the exit.   “Arkin!”   I called out the same time the music faded and it was only random chatters and the sound of the wave on the background.   “What are you doing?”   I saw Arkin mouthed as his eyes were shooting daggers at me.   By now, everyone was already looking at us.   Maybe even the dj because the music was yet to come back which I think was a good thing.   “Where are you running off to?”   I asked a little loudly.   “I’m. Do you really have to shout!?!”   By then, Arkin was already standing in front of me in gritted teeth.   “And why the hell is everyone staring at us!?!”   I heard him mumbled before he looked around looking at her best friend for rescue.   Seconds after, the music went on and I heard Saddie asking everyone to the dance floor.   “I know what I did was wrong. I already said I’m sorry. And. I’m willing to compensate for what I did, but for now, can you, please, please, just let me leave in peace, alright!?!”   We were staring at each other for a while before  Arkin let on and nodded goodbye.   I wasn’t sure what came over me but I shouted at him loud enough for it to be heard over the music which made the people around gasped and squealed for reasons I had no idea about.   “Didn’t you say I make you feel stuff then act otherwise? How about you now? Why would you kiss me and leave just like that?”        
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