Chapter Eighteen- PLAY

2078 Words

I pushed the two large doors open, revealing a huge arcade like room. I could see colorful pinball machines, Pac man machine, pool tables, air hockey, and at the far end of the room hung a few large televisions connected to gaming devices. “Eva! You’re alive!” I heard someone scream. I looked around wondering where the voices had come from. I found the source; Jasmine and Liz looked at me excitedly. “I thought you were dead or in a coma!” Jasmine squeaked out, running to me and jumping up and down. “I am dead, you’re just imagining me.” I stated. Royce chuckled beside me. “That’s great, I’ve always wanted to meet a ghost.” Liz added with an attitude. “Want to join us in a game of air hockey?” “I have to go to training, I’ll see you later.” Royce spoke lowly. I nodded as he turned towa

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