Chapter Seventeen- What the Heart Wants

3065 Words

I felt weak, like my strength had disappeared. I hadn’t felt this weak and useless since before my change. I was aware of where I was. The soft cushions underneath me and the cloud like pillow made themselves present as I moved around. “Sweetheart?” my mother’s voice rang out. I twitched my head to where she was, not opening my eyes. “Huh?” I asked still trying to go back to sleep. “How are you feeling?” she asked her voice much closer. “Tired, how long have I been asleep? “I asked, I felt the bed dip under her weight. I opened my eyes one at a time. Everything was less sharp. I squinted, trying to readjust my eyes, nothing. I rubbed them furiously, but again, my vision was dull. “About two days.” I turned to her; she was giving me the most saddened expression I had ever seen on her.

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