Chapter 69

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The creature is opposite to them in the darkness and Mathew and the team are in the lightning coming from the Mathew's suit. It was looking to them from distance towards them, but they are not able to see it as it was in deep darkness, but they can see it that some thing over there is standing and watching them .  "Mathew . . . ", Every one over there said at once Mathew was confused that every one called him at once and he could not understand that at whom he had to respond and said to them "Shhhh"  . . . "But Mathew, it was likely to come on our side ", Jack said "Yes, me too can feel it and I think it was angry on us ", Mathew said "But why, what did we do ?", Mr. Richard asked "I don't know, but I think we came here and disturbed it and may be it was guarding here in this tunnel for the treasure and for the temple might be so ", Mathew said "O My God ", Clara said "That means like the wolf like creature which was guarding the Island with curse ?", Mr. Richard asked "Yes, might be so ", Mathew said "What what we do now and how to escape from it with out being harmed ?", Mack asked "I don't know but . . . ", Mathew said an stopped talking suddenly "What happened Mathew . . why did you stopped ?", Clara asked by closing his eyes "Shhh . . . don't talk ", Mathew said as he observed that it was coming forward towards them slowly  Every one over there moved very closer towards Mathew with fear and holds his hand . . .Only Mathew stood very bravely facing the creature and looking at it . . . It slowly came into the light and every one over there scared a lot by seeing it and it's structure as it was very horrible to see. It was looking like a special species like the whole body is looking like a human, it's head is like dinosaur, it's hands and legs are like wolf with very sharp and long nails that it would tear any thing like a machine and it had a very long and thick tail . . Over all it was looking like a half human and half animal but with so many injuries on the whole body . . . Clara then slowly opened her eyes and looked it, so scared and trying to shout and immediately Mathew stopped by closing her mouth with his hand . . . She than came into realm and moved backwards of Mathew with fear and holds him tightly . .  "Mathew . . ", Mr. Richard called him very silently "Yes ", Mathew replied "Why don't you take out your pendant and use the protection layer to us ?", Mr. Richard said "Yes Mathew, it's a good idea, took out your pendant ", Mack said "Why don't you remember, it's a closed area and there is no sky at all to open the protection from the pendant ", Mathew said "Oo s**t, what do we do now ?", Mr. Richard said "It's ok, don't worry and don't panic. I am here, I will take care of it, if possible I will fight with it using my powers. Don't you remember we are all equally powerful as of an animal and we can fight with it easily, it was single and we are in group ", Mathew said "Yes, your are right, we almost forgot about our powers at all and I am ready ", Mack said as he got more stamina by hearing the words of Mathew and stood behind him with lot of courage . . . "But Mathew, look at the nails of that creature. Those are very sharp and strong and it would easily tear our bodies, mainly we don't have any weapons to fight with it ", Jack said "Ok, wait for a while and will see what it was going to do ", Mathew said The creature almost came in front of them and looking into Mathew's face with anger as he was facing it and the rest of them were hiding behind him with fear . . "Who are you ?", Mathew asked to the creature with great courage  The creature still looking at him with out saying a word as an answer for the question of Mathew . .  "I am asking you, who are you ?", Mathew asked it this time a little seriously The rest of them were even scared more due to the anger represented by Mathew and they did not understand why he asked to it with anger . . . "I am the King of this dynasty and I was cursed by the Queen of the Snakes called Estherville, which was living here from far away to this place and she was very dangerous even no one can face her as she looks very horrible that fears you ", The creature said "But, why did you cursed by her ?", Mathew asked "Because I came here to find out the treasure map which was hiding behind the temple and with out proper instructions to go there ", The creature said "A Treasure map !!, that means there is no treasure here ?", Mr. Richard asked with lot of anxiousness  "Who are you ?", The creature asked Mr. Richard looking at him very anger "Cool, cool, these are my team came with me to find out the treasure ", Mathew said "No one can find out, as there is no treasure here, only the map to show you where the treasure would be and it will give you the guidance and more over the treasure is very far from here. No one till now had found the treasure instead loose their life's in this journey or other wise many of them became sinners like me ", The creature said Every one became silent by hearing the words of the creature with out having a word in their minds . . . "Why did you all became silent, I think you all came here for the treasure hunt right ?", the creature asked "Some of them, but we three not came for the treasure hunt ", Mathew said "Then for what ?", The creature asked Then Mathew started explaining it the whole story that they came here to find out the mystery behind the temple and to become relief of the curse what they have now and how they came till here, every thing in detail and about the pendant too . . . The creature then astonished by the story what Mathew explained and became silent for a while thinking about the team who have came here and wanted to find out the treasure . . . "Ok, but I wanna tell you some thing ", The creature said "Yes please ", Mathew said "If you want to find out the treasure than you have to face the Queen of the Snakes, but it was very dangerous for your life's ", The creature said "Ok, you tell me how to face her ", Mathew asked "I could not do that because it was out of my ethics ", The creature said "But how can we know that how to face her ", Mathew asked "You'll came to know in your future journey ", The creature said "Ok ", Mathew said "First listen to me very careful ", The creature said "Ok . . ok . . sorry continue ", Mathew said "The Queen of the Snakes is very dangerous and she is full of poisonous and she is the Queen for all the snakes in the world . . One could not cross her with out proper intention, planning and intelligence and more importantly there will be lot of snakes which are guarding her surrounding the area and you can not cross the snakes too because those are more poisonous than the others in the world . . ", The creature said with weird voice "Then how to cross her ?", Clara asked "You all need a special powers to face and her army ", The creature said "Army ?? ", Mathew asked "Yes, her snakes are her biggest army ", The creature said "Ok then, can you please help us to face her ?", Mathew asked "Actually I can't help you in this because I am a sinner here and my duty is to kill the people who came here and the Queen will curse them ", The creature said "O My God, then you are going to kill us now ?", Mr. Richard said "Yes off course but before that one of you have to fight with me and if you have won the fight with me than I'll let you go from here with a special weapon which I had with me to face the Queen. But . . . The weapon should be used by the person one who fights and won ", The creature said "If one person fights with you and won, than you let all of us will go from here ?", Mr. Richard asked "I think you are the most scariest person in this group ", The creature said "First let me know the answer please ", Mr. Richard said "Yes off course I will let you all go, if one person fights with me and won. But you will not live longer, soon you are going to loose your life in this tunnel ", The creature said "Oo sorry . . sorry . . Please don't give him curse, I am asking sorry on behalf on him ", Mathew said "This is not my curse Mr. I am just telling his future that's it ", The creature said "Could it be any chance of missing his mortality ?", Mathew asked "You are very wise, intelligent and smarter than all your team. I like you very much and I am sure you are not a normal person, you had some special powers and I think you are born because of this treasure hunt, use it wisely and have a bright future. Haa and one more thing you are born for others make useful things for the people who are in need of help. In the past birth you are a king and so your qualities in this birth are so bright and helping others who are in need keep going ", The creature said Every one over there suddenly looked at Mathew by astonishing and stay like a statue . . . .
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