Chapter 68

2000 Words
Every one thinking about the darkness and finally decided to go inside in the darkness, what ever they face in the underground tunnel . .  Mathew also thinking the same very seriously that every one might fall in the danger in the darkness if any thing present in the underground tunnel. So he was thinking very seriously about how they move into it with out any light with them . .  All of a sudden Mathew got strike with an idea in his brain and asked Clara to given him his back back . . "What happened Mathew, did you hold any thing in this back bag ?", Clara asked "Yes, give it to me ", Mathew said Mathew then handed over his back bag, unzipped it and took out some thing which was covered in a polythene bag, placed it in the ground and zipped the bag back . .  He removed the polythene cover and took out the item from it and every one looking at Mathew that what is was going to do the next moment after taking out the polythene bag from his back bag . . . The item which Mathew took out from the polythene bag is nothing but the suit which they have prepared before to go into the underground tunnel at the abandoned school . . He took out and started wearing it on his body . . . "Wow Mathew, we brought this suit with you ?", Clara asked "Yes, I packed it in my back bag, so that it may useful at any time in our journey ", Mathew said "Oo ok, that's why this bag is too heavy to carry right ?", Mack asked "Yes, you are right Mack ", Mathew said Mathew then worn it completely and asked Clara to help him in fixing the suit on his body. She did the same and helped him a lot and Mack started wiring it back and checking whether the wiring system to the suit is perfectly alright or not . . Finally the three of them where ready with the suit and the lightning system to it and to enter into the underground tunnel with lot of light with them and the three were ready with lot of confidence which was very clear on their faces . .  The rest of them was not clear that what the three are going to do with the suit and what is that about . . "Mathew . . what is this suit ?, this is very different from the other suits and what is the specialty in this ", Jack asked doubtfully "Wait for a while, you all are going to know about this suit in a few minutes ", Mathew said "Mathew . . is the suit perfectly fitted for you right, other wise you may cause discomfort later ? ", Mack asked "Yes, perfectly alright ", Mathew said "Ok then, shall I on it ?", Mack asked "Yes ready, on it ", Mathew said Mack switched on the lights and suddenly a lot of lightning came from Mathew and every one closed their eyes due to the power came from Mathew and few minutes later every one opened their eyes to see what it was and slowly noticed that the lightning was coming from Mathew's suit . . . "Wow Mathew, what is this suit and how it was designed ?", Mr. Richard asked him "We specially designed this suit when we first entered into the underground tunnel at the abandoned school building when we found this route map and the lockets which we worn right now in our necks ", Mathew said "It's so wonderful, now we can go into it with lot of light with us and there will be no danger now ", Jack said "Yes exactly, now it's time to move into it. Come one every one follow me ", Mathew said and started moving into the tunnel by holding his back bag with his left hand with little difficulty as he could not hold his back bag neither with his hand or on his back . . By noticing the difficulty what Mathew was facing with his bag, Clara asked him his bag that she will carry from now until he removed his suit on him . .  "No Clara, it's not right on my part. How can I weighed down by a girl while I was there ?", Mathew said "It's ok Mathew, no problem and I wanna share with you every thing ", Clara said "Yes off course but not this time, still the bag weighs heavy, so better be away from it, I will handle it ", Mathew said with confidence "But Mathew, you are facing trouble while holding your bag with your suit, I can understand your pain which you are facing ", Clara said "Thank you so much Clara for understanding me but not this time, I will handle it no problem ", Mathew said "But why ?", Clara said "Because I could not see you facing troubles in any way ", Mathew said Clara started shying towards Mathew and bent his head down towards the ground due to the shy and with out having any words the next moment  . . . "Hello, can you both stop that discussion about the back bag, give it to me and I'll hold it ", Mack said "It's ok Mack, I can handle it ", Mathew said "Stop it Mathew, even me too noticed your difficulty while holding this bag with your suit. It's ok give it to me and I will handle it. If you want you can take back after removing your suit ", Mack said and pulled the back bag from Mathew with force and hold it on his back . . Every one started moving into the underground tunnel following Mathew with utmost care and looking back and forth as they expect some thing danger to come on their way in that tunnel as the map was showing mysterious about the tunnel that is a danger symbol. "Every one be very careful as this tunnel had a lot of dangers might be so, as the map was showing a big danger symbol in it ", Mathew said "It was not clear about the danger ?", Clara said "No not shown any thing, except the danger symbol ", Mathew said "What do you expect to come on our way ?", Clara asked "I don't have any expectations, but may be ghosts !! ", Mathew said "O my God !! Ghosts !! ?", Clara asked "Any how we have the pendants with us, so no ghosts can harm us right ?", Mack asked "May be, but we don't know what are there in front of us ", Mathew said "Please don't scare us Mathew, we already scared of this tunnel a lot ", Clara said "I am not scaring you and you started the conversation of this tunnel asking me what would be the dangers in our journey ", Mathew said "Yes off course but I am very scared of this, by looking to this tunnel my heart beat going fast, my body started shivering and my whole body is filling up with sweet ", Clara said "Come on Clara don't worry, I am with you ", Mathew said "Yes off course, my courage is you and only because of I came till here and I am alive ", Clara said "It's ok Clara ", Mathew said "Mathew . . ", Clara called him silently and with lot of shy in her face "What ?", Mathew asked "You should speak with my mother about us ", Clara said "Not again, is this the time to discuss about this matter ?", Mathew said "Not mean that Mathew ", Clara said "It's ok Mathew, speak up with her openly, still how many days you will hide your inner feelings in your heart. Speak out so that she may get courage and get relief from this fear ", Mack said "No Mack, I already informed you about this right, my decision won't change in middle ", Mathew said "What is your decision, still thinking about your girl which you got engaged with and you think still she may wait for you after these many days with out any communication ?", Clara asked "Not mean that, I have not thought about her till now. I remembered her just now when you remembered and I just forgot her and about my parents ", Mathew said "Why, it's just because of me right ?", Clara asked "Yes off course it's almost correct, but . . . ", Mathew said "No Mathew stop it, don't tell me any excuses ", Clara said "No . . not excuses ", Mathew said "Mathew . . I know about you very well. Please don't mesmerize me with your words that you don't love me and I can feel your inner feelings that you love me more than me ", Clara said "Hello . . sorry for disturbing you both. But I think this is not the right time to discuss about your love might be so as we all are scared a lot due to this journey and the underground tunnel. Mathew could you please concentrate on the route ", Mr. Richard said "Hello . . Sir, what is your problem in middle. Let them speak each other so that they may recover from the fear and free of their mind tensions ", Mack said "Mack, why do you interfere in very thing that what I spoke ?", Mr. Richard asked "What you got angry, yes in the same way you are getting the same level of anger in every thing which you interfere in between and speaking wrongly towards Mathew ", Mack said By so, no words from Mr. Richard and gone silent for his words . . . Even Mathew and Clara also gone silent for a while and looked forward as they some thing in front of them in the darkness, but it was not clear to them what they saw . .  "Mathew . . did you noticed that ?", Jack asked "Yes, but what is that ?, it was not at all clear ", Mathew said "May be it's the danger which was shown in the Map ", Mack said Every one stood there with lot of fear and confusion that what they have seen and how to handle it. "Mathew . . plan some thing ", Jack said "With out knowing what it is, we could not plan any thing nor we could not do any thing right now, please be patience, sure I will plan some thing ", Mathew said In the mean while some thing crossed them from aside very fast with out knowing them on the darkness, but they can feel that some thing was crossed by fearing them . .  At once Clara holds Mathew hand very tightly with fear and closed her eyes tightly with out moving any where from him . . Even Mathew too hold her tight as she was fearing a lot to give her courage by comforting her . . .  "Mathew . . do some thing, we are so scared ", Mr. Richard said "Shhhh, keep quite. It was behind us and watching us from our back ", Mathew said "O my God . . . now how ?", Clara asked "Don't worry, be calm and every body don't move any where ", Mathew said It again ran beside them very quickly and came forward and stood like a statue. . . Every one can see that but they are not able to notice what it is as it looks like a human but it's body is very huge and strong in the same way it looks like an animal too from one side in the darkness over there . . . .
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