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*** "You ready?" Amanda asked, granting me her most reassuring smile. I nodded after a beat, truly meaning it. I was ready to step into this new phase of my life. Replacing my veil over my face, I smiled reassuringly at my best friend before we both turned towards the doors that were opened to allow us to begin our descent towards the aisle. After a small squeeze on my hand once we arrived at the bottom of the steps, Amanda walked down the short aisle towards the front where Kyle stared avidly at her, seeming almost star struck by her look. I had no doubt in my mind that he would finally make the first move we had both been waiting for. Taking a deep breath, I begun my own walk down the aisle as the music shifted to a ethereal bridal march. Part of me longed for my father to be beside me, to have him walk me down the aisle. We had been through so much together, overcome so many obstacles. Our relationship seemed to have shifted since my accident, which was something I wouldn't know for sure due to my amnesia, but we were father and daughter. We only had each other... I'll make him understand....He'll be happy for me, eventually. Especially when he sees me happy with the man I truly love... I grinned at my husband to be who seemed truly awe struck at the sight of me. His hand stretched out to me as soon as I reached the end of the aisle, a reassuring smile on his own lips as he squeezed it before we both turned to the officiant. "You are a vision, my love. Beautiful beyond comparison." He muttered over, his compliment bringing me to life even more than I already was. Warmth spread through me, butterflies engulfing my stomach as I blushed and smiled up at him, communicating my thanks and so much more through my gaze. I knew he understood how much he meant to me, how much his words affected me. I don't think I have ever loved anyone as much as I love him....And I don't think I ever will... The sun was setting over the horizon, the lake shimmering in the background as the officiant asked us to recite our vows to each other. "I choose you to be my husband. To love, honor and respect you- all the days of my life. I now know that every decision I have made to this day has led me to you and I am so proud to be yours. I promise to grow with you, to build with you, to walk beside you...always. In the good times and especially the bad. In sickness and health. I choose you now and forever. I love you, husband." I slid the customised platinum and black rhodium wedding band onto his ring finger, marvelling at how perfect it looked. A true reflection of his personality that also happened to match my own silver engagement ring and the diamond studded wedding band that Kyle brought forward and handed over to my husband. His eyes spoke volumes of how he felt about my words, his left hand taking my own left hand in his. There was so much emotion in his gaze, chief being reverence. "To you, my wife, I give this ring. I promise to love you, to honor you, to cherish you and, most important of all, to protect you. I put my life on the line for you and, on my honor, you will never lack. You will never walk alone, because I will always walk beside you. In the bad times, and there will be bad times, I will never leave you- no matter what. In the good times, and I promise I will ensure there are more of those, I will celebrate beside you and work myself hard to ensure that the beautiful smile you reserve only for me never fades. I am commited to you, all the days of my life." He slid the gorgeous, silver wedding band onto my ring finger before shifting the engagement ring to my ring finger as well, the diamonds reflecting off of the setting sun. Eyes on me, he placed a chaste kiss on my rings, an action that seemed almost like a seal and promise of his vows. It sent a shiver of pleasure through me, more so when the officiant declared that we were now husband and wife. "You may unveil and kiss your bride." The officiant didn't have to say it twice. I watched with a wide smile as my husband stepped forward and slowly removed my veil before his hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. My heart skipped a beat, my gaze holding his own as I allowed myself to get lost in his beautiful gaze, in the well of emotions in his eyes. "Ty tak prekrasna, moye sokrovishche." His words were foreign and although I didn't understand them, I knew they meant more than I could ever know. His lips crashed against mine in an otherworldly melding of souls, nothing like anything we had shared before. I was lost in him, lost in the emotions of love, affection and so much more that he elicited from within me. Our photographer took pictures of us, the lights illuminating the dark evening as we pulled away from each other for a breath and turned to take some more as we grinned at our cheering friends. We were so lost in the joy of the moment that we didn't notice the gunshots until they surpassed the celebratory music being played by our five man orchestra. Until Amanda's cheers shifted to a horrified scream as Kyle instantly shielded her from any threats. Alex's reflexes were just as sharp as he pulled me behind him, sharing a look with his best man before he turned to his two bodyguards on the side who seemed to be communicating on comms with the rest of the security detail. "There's been an attempted security breach. We are holding them off at the main gate. Backup is on the way." Viktor stated, earning a nod from my husband before he held my hand tight and begun the journey down the aisle. I wanted to ask questions, to complain, to push out of his embrace and demand an explanation but I was too frozen in shock at the events. "Have everyone stay in the kitchen. Viktor, you'll guard the door and ensure no one gets in. I'll handle the rest." My husband barked orders that were instantly followed as everyone was huddled into the kitchen, Amanda included who seemed to have found her tongue and was demanding an explanation. Kyle tried to calm her down, to reassure her but it was hard when the gun shots kept going on the other side and seemed to be growing louder. Max pulled out two guns, handing one to my husband who seemed to be conversing with him but I couldn't comprehend a thing. Not when my gaze was fixated on the man creeping through the backyard, a gun raised and ready to harm my husband. "No! Don't!" Before I could think through my actions, I shielded my Alex with my body, my wide and frightened gaze holding the assailant's own that seemed to shift from shock to what seemed like awe and realization. He begun to lower his gun, his free hand seemingly stretching towards me as he opened his mouth to speak but he never got to say a word as my husband intervened and emptied a clean shot into his head, sending him sprawling to the ground. I let out a loud gasp, disbelief coursing through me as I stared at the dead body and the blood that had begun to gather at the back porch. "You need to go inside. Now! I'll come for you when all this is handled, okay?" Alex urged, pushing me to Viktor who was quick to bring me into the kitchen where Amanda and the rest of the staff were waiting, each of them terrified and in shock. "What in the f**k is going on?" Amanda whisper shouted over to me, fear seemingly coursing through her every nerve ending and more. She was petrified and yet I wasn't. I had just seen a man get shot, blood everywhere, definitely worse than what she had witnessed and yet I was unmoved. It could be shock...Maybe I am stil processing everything... I tried to reason, even though I knew that wasn't true...Deep down, I knew it was more. I knew it had something to do with the voice in my head that I had blocked- the one that begged me to break my chains and become more than what I currently was. Its the only thing that makes sense...the only reason why, instead of being afraid, I can't stop thinking of the dead man and what he had wanted to tell me....why he lowered his gun when he saw me... ***
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