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*** I stared at my reflection in the mirror, not quite believing my eyes. I'd known that I would look different. This was, after all, my wedding day but I had no clue that my dress would be this gorgeous. It was a last minute decision after Alex granted me a host of options to pick from. He hadn't gone through them, personally, but he had given the designer all of my preferences and tasked him to recommend dresses that matched my preferences. And somehow, he had managed to hit the nail right on the head...And Alex just proved why I love him the way that I do... "He knows you so well, its almost eerie." Amanda murmered from behind me as she adjusted my veil, making me chuckle in response. She wasn't wrong, though. He seemed to have thought through everything, including a bridesmaid dress options for Amanda to pick from and a hair and make up artist for us. We had been pampered from morning, when Amanda arrived after I called her in and gave her an update of what had happened over the last twelve hours. "I still can't believe you're doing this. I mean, I know we had a long talk about it and I know you love him but, as your best friend, I have to ask again. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you're ready? That you aren't feeling pressured?" I turned to my best friend, granting her my most reassuring smile. Although we had spent the better part of the morning talking through my wild decision with her quasi- psycho analyzing me but I knew she was doing it all because she loved me and wanted what was best for me. She didn't want me to rush into anything and I loved her for caring so much about me. "I promise you that I'm sure. I want to spend my life with Alex. This was one of those fairy tale love stories from those books you like to read. Its fated, destiny even. I'm ready." I responded, ensuring to inflect my true emotions into my words. I wanted her to be reassured, to know that I meant every word. Despite the burning anxiety within me and the looming headache in the back of my mind and a voice begging me to reconsider- a voice that barely let me sleep last night... I chalked it all up to nerves before my big day. I refused to let anything ruin my special day, no matter what. I watched as my best friend released a small sigh as she straightened out her spaghetti strapped, silk, floor-length, red bridesmaid dress, adjusting the thigh high slit before turning to me with wide, excited grin that made me chuckle. "Alright then. Let's go get you married!" She cheered, holding my hand firmly in hers before we both turned to check out our looks in the mirror one last time. I had chosen a simple, silk, long sleeved, mermaid fit wedding dress with a square neckline that accentuated my neck and the ruby necklace that adorned it, a wedding gift from my husband that had stolen my breath away. The dress was relatively modest with the only risque addition being the plunging back that exposed my upper back. The dress had a short train that melded well with my cathedral veil that was adorned with pearls. My shoes were white, strappy and red bottomed pumps that matched my red and white nail polish. My hair was in an elegant low bun with pearls and rubies speckled over it. My make up was light with mascara, winged eye liner, blush and red lipstick to bolden the look. I felt beautiful, more than I ever have and I could not help but tighten my hold on the bouquet of red roses and white baby's breath. With our hands held tightly, we walked out of my bedroom apartment where we had set up shop to prepare, in turn meeting with Vik who seemed to pause at the sight of us, awe written across his features as he took us both in. "Well, it seems we did something right if we got Mr. Emotionless here to show us a little bit of his heart." Amanda commented, smirking as Viktor quickly seemed to regain himself at her words. I chuckled, shaking my head at my friend's antics. She always found ways to mess with the guys, which rarely ever worked. They were almost always unmoved by her- well until today. "You both look beautiful...Now come, we musn't be late." Viktor commented, clearing his throat as he restored the emotionless mask he always beheld when around us. It served to make him look more intimidating but we now knew the truth. We knew that beneath all the layers, the man had a soft spot. Amanda and I shared a knowing, excited look. That was a bigger revelation to us than most. We took the elevator down to the basement where a sleek, black Rangerover lay in wait for us. Viktor and Max, his companion, were quick to open the doors for us before we begun the trip to the wedding venue. Alex had been very tight lipped about where we would be holding the ceremony. All my urgings had fallen on deaf ears as he promised that I would enjoy the surprise. 'So he really didn't tell you where we're going?" Amanda asked after a beat, prompting me to shake my head as I stared out at the passing cars. The sun had begun to make its descent towards the horizon, signalling that we were growing closer and closer to our evening wedding. "Well, he really had everything planned out. Its crazy that he somehow managed to get both of us an off day from the hospital. I guess Kyle helped him, seeing as he's going to be Alex's best man. I didn't see that coming, by the way. I knew the two were acquiantances but I didn't think they were that close." Amanda commented, a small frown on her as she processed the news I had given her this morning. i had also found it surprising that Kyle would take up the mantle of Alex's best man but somewhat made sense seeing as Alex has never really been a social kind of guy. I hadn't met many of his friends, and the ones I had seemed more like business associates than inner circle friends. Kyle was probably the best fit...I mean, we have hanged out with him and Amanda more than he probably does with the other people around him... "Yeah, but I guess it means you have a better chance of sealing the deal tonight. No more games, Amanda. Its time to make a move, see where this thing you have with him goes." I encouraged her, earning a laugh in response and a blush as deep as her dress. She knew what I was talking about. I could see the attraction she held for the Doctor. The two of them would make a pretty amazing couple. "I guess we'll both seal the deal tonight...Its insane that you two have kept it pretty PG so far. Including last night, which would have been the perfect time to have some celebratory, steaming sex." Amanda whispered the last part over, making me shrug and blush equally as hard as I recalled the romantic dinner we had had after the proposal and the make out session on the couch as we planned bits and pieces of today in between. I was also confused about his reluctance to take me and make love to me but it also seemed to endear him all the more as I realized that this seemed important to him. That our connection was beyond physical intimacy. I know that our first night will be amazing...As Husband and Wife... "Honestly, its remarkable that he managed to get a wedding venue this quick but then, Alex Myers has proven that to him, nothing is impossible. Especially if its for the woman he loves." Amanda commented, bumping my shoulder playfully as we giggled at her words. It warmed my heart considerably to know the lengths that Alex had gone to to ensure that our ceremony would be beautiful and memorable. Viktor's gaze fluttered towards us momentarily through the viewing mirror before he turned away, no doubt amused by our antics. We drove for several minutes, into the outskirts of the city before diverting from the main highway and onto paved road that led to a pair of black, computerised gates. Amanda and I shared a stunned look, silence engulfing the car as we made our way up the driveway and towards what seemed to be a massive, Palatial styled Mansion. Everything after the car came to a stop was a blur as a woman who introduced herself as the wedding planner led Amanda and I up the steps and into the massive home where a small catering service seemed to be preparing for the dinner portion of the event. We had no time to really take in our surroundings as we emerged at the back door leading into what seemed like a transformed backyard. "Holy crap..." Amanda breathed as we took in the incredible sight before us. Red and White roses as well as artificial candles lit up the path from the stairs leading down to the backyard and to the gorgeous wedding arch that was adorned with red roses and greenery. Outdoor lamps lit up the space and the four, white chiavari seats that had been set up for our small wedding party. Beyond the arch was the massive back drop of a Lake that spanned beyond and offered an incredible view of the setting sun. It was a gorgeous display, one that melted my heart and had it beating all the more faster at the vague sight of my husband to be standing at the edge of the aisle with a man I recognised as Kyle beside him. "Its so beautiful...Thank you for helping to set this up." I murmured over to the wedding planner who granted me a small smile before she begun explaining the next steps. Soon, an impeccably dressed orchestra of five I hadn't noticed at first begun to play their instruments, the strains of a love song floating in the air and signalling the beginning of the ceremony. Amanda turned to me, a reassuring smile on her lips as she held my hand in her own and squeezed. ***
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