
366 Words
Life was perfect until I moved to college. I was admitted into one of the popular colleges in town.I had my first crush on Ellen. He was like a dream boy. One day when I was coming back from college, I saw him playing in the football ground. He was looking so handsome! Later when I entered into my room I saw my mom sitting in my bed.I was shocked not because she was in my room, she was sitting idly in home. Both my mom and dad are workaholics. Dad had his own company. My mom was a lawyer. So, they were too busy to take care of me. Back to story, mom asked " How was your day in college? " I replied " Well, it was great". Before I could tell what happened she hugged me and said " If you were to choose between me and dad, who are you going to choose?". I was silent. Cuz' I would have choosed no one. Growing up mom and dad never had time for me. So...Mom pushed me back and said " I and your dad are going to be divorced ". Hearing this, I burst into tears. Though I have lived my life without them through these years, I didn't expect it to become like this. Soon, My parents were divorced. My mom moved to New York. Dad lived in his house with his new family. I rented a apartment near my college. I had my dream and I was working on it. I was busy preparing for the exam. One day, I was walking towards the hallroom then I saw Ellen with a girl kissing. I can tell that he forced that girl. My trust was shattered. I was thinking he was my so-called dream boy. Anyway I moved on. My results were pretty good. I got rank 5th. You are thinking I'm acting like a nerd, but I worked hard much more than that. Anyway I graduated from college with highest marks. I enrolled into one of the top university. Life was good until I saw my mom. She was on TV for a case. She came back to town.....
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