Chapter 6The big room that the family, and sometimes the coven, used for indoor worship was in the attic and bigger than Ian remembered. He and Khnurn stood to the side near a wall for a moment while Seamus set up candles and drew a chalk circle in the center of the room. Ian watched carefully, knowing that he should remember where everything went, and grateful that his brother forgave him such forgetfulness. “Need some help?” Ian asked. “I’m okay,” Seamus said with a wink. “Next time.” When Seamus was done, he approached them. “So why don’t you two sit inside the circle,” Seamus suggested. “You guys just relax for a minute. I’m going to try to focus on Mine and bring him here. That’s what I did last time.” “Who is Mine again?” Khnurn asked. “The Grim Reaper type guy who Seamus summo