Mysterious stranger.

1230 Words
Amelia remained motionless as she stared at the man whose trouser up to his knees. Fortunately, he was wearing his boxer brief, unlike Thomas, who had chased Amelia naked Thomas was wearing only his white singlet, and because it was drenched in rain. Seeing his bare chest was no different than seeing his chest beneath the singlet The young man was tall, with a broad shoulder that exudes strength and authority Amelia was still motionless, but Thomas and his friends had caught up with her. "You're going to regret what you did, b***h!" Thomas yelled, yanking his finger deep into Amelia's hair and dragging her back into the woods "Ouch! Thomas, please let me go!" Amelia screamed in agony as she wiggled, attempting to free herself from Thomas' grip on her hair The previous young man didn't bother to look at Amelia as he pulled his trouser upwards, and after ensuring that he had properly worn his trousers, he turned around, ready to enter his car The young man had parked his car by the side of the road to take care of his stuff, but when he noticed a lady and a group of men watching him, he decided to go somewhere else "Say one more word, and you're going to freaking course the day you were born." Thomas's friend spat as he grabbed Amelia's hand and helped Thomas pull Amelia into the woods Amelia screamed at the top of her lungs, but they wouldn't let her go. "Arrrghhh! please let me go! Thomas and his companions seemed to enjoy the fact that she was crying and screaming, so her words sounded like music to them Amelia forced herself to turn around and stare at the earlier mentioned man. "Sir... sir, please help me!" She pleaded as she dragged herself backwards As she stares at the mysterious young man, a stream of tears falls from her eyes When Amelia absurdly called out for him, the young man ignored her and proceeded to open his car door. "Sir... sir... sir, please! Amelia's statement this time was pleading, and her stuttering words caused the young man to turn around The young man realized from Amelia's voice, that he was Amelia's only hope He took a deep breath and let go of his car's handle because he had no other choice "Let her go! The young man's voice was hypnotic and sedative at the same time. His voice has a cold aura, and Amelia was drawn to it for some strange reason Thomas and his friends come to a halt as they stare at the young man who wasn't staring at them After the mysterious young man's statement, he turned around to stare at Amelia, and Amelia became speechless The young man's eyes were sapphire blue, but the murderous glare made them appear dark, as if he were dead As he locked his gaze on Amelia, his dark sapphire eyes gleamed brightly His eyes were poisonous and seemed to glower, causing Amelia's spirit to leave her body As she returned the man's gaze, time stood still She decided to use the light from the man's car to inspect the man's face while avoiding his lethal gaze He had brown crew-cut hair that was meticulously maintained, and it had a rippling quality, indicating his good health The almond-shaped eyes of the intriguing young man burned with deadly passion His once-dark eyes were flecked, and their color abruptly changed from dark sapphire to sapphire mariner-blue. It darted around and around, gleaming with terror and youth His eyes sparkled like sapphires dipped in milky pools. Amelia had never seen anything like them He has bristly brows, a strong hawkish nose, high cheekbones, and a strong jaw. Like a crescent moon, his brows were delicate and narrow He had an aquiline nose that complemented his prominent cheekbones, a basalt jaw, and a strong spartan shoulder He had a commanding nose and angular cheekbones that carved down to a chiseled jaw His lips were rough, but pink, like those of a baby Amelia was taken aback by his beauty because she had never seen anyone so beautiful They say beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but Amelia believes that anyone who sees him will be impressed by his lovely features Unfortunately for Amelia, she couldn't fully appreciate the young man because Thomas began to pull her back into the woods He had simply ignored the strange young man "I told you to let her go!" The enigmatic young man declared This time, his voice sends shivers down the spines of everyone present Thomas had goosebumps all over his body, but he still pretended to be brave. "Who are you to tell me what the f**k I should do?" Thomas spat coldly and authoritatively "I am... You should avoid messing with me. The stranger's words were calm this time, but they carried a deadly aura Thomas looked at the man with bloodshot eyes, and his grip on Amelia was loosening Amelia takes advantage of the opportunity to push Thomas away and wiggle herself free from the clutches of Thomas' friends They had not anticipated her move, so they were all caught off guard Amelia ran towards the young man, and despite the fact that she sensed a dangerous aura emanating from him, she decided that it would be best to first escape Thomas, and then think of a way to escape this mysterious stranger Thomas scuffed his shoe. "Amelia, what do you think you're doing? Come back here right now!" Thomas gave the order Amelia was so terrified by Thomas's gaze that she quickly hid behind the mysterious young man She whispered behind his back while holding him by his shoulder. "Please… help me. The young man had nothing to do with Amelia because he was embroiled in his own internal conflict Exhaling He reached into his pocket and pulled out a strange object, which he pointed out to them Amelia's face was hidden behind the young man, so she had no idea what he had taken from his pocket Thomas felt his life flew right by him, and after the mysterious man had seen the expression he desired from Thomas and his friends, he drew his hands back towards his side, smirking with bloodshot eyes that appeared to belong to a monster "f**k! "Gush! "That man is completely insane. He's a demonic being. "Let's get the hell away from him. Thomas and his friends' voices could be heard coursing the mysterious young man, and soon retreating footsteps could be heard Amelia became perplexed She drew her gaze away from the man's broad back, and to her left were Thomas and his friends They were all fleeing for their lives 'Why are they fleeing?' she asked herself Amelia didn't see the man doing anything to them, and he didn't say anything threatening to them, so what the hell was making them look so terrified Curiosity got the best of her as she moved away from the man's back slowly and steadily She walked towards his front, intending to thank the young man, but to her surprise, she became immobile As soon as Amelia approached the young man, he drew his hands from beside him and pointed his gun at her. "You must do everything I tell you to do." He spoke with a cold aura.
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