Cruel reality.

1855 Words
The sound of a small fragile foot splashing water on the body of a passerby could be heard as the lady who wasn’t wearing slippers ran for her dearest life. It was pouring heavily, and the entire sky was dark and foggy as the raindrops poured droplets on the earth. As the rain fell harder, puddles began to form. The cold wind blew through Amelia’s skin as she ran through the rain. The howling sound of the wind in the background made Amelia feel as if she was about to be blown away by the wind. Her white dinner gown and her hair was soaked in raindrops, while her face was extremely pale. Many people began to seek shelter under a few shades, while those with umbrellas raised theirs above their heads as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Passers-by didn’t bother asking Amelia where she was running to, and Amelia knew the reason. Amelia was aware that she appeared to them to be running due to the torrential rain, but this was not the case. She didn’t want to take the chance of stopping to approach anyone she saw walking down the street because the chances of them assisting her were extremely slim, so she had no choice but to keep running. All she could think of was a way to get away because she wanted to live. She wishes to flee her psychopath boyfriend and his gang of friends who are after her. They were closing in on her, and she needed to move quickly if she was going to get out of this mess. They were after her virginity, and she knew that if she gave it up, it would be painful. Her boyfriend, the man she had always admired, had used her. He intended to take advantage of her body, as well as his claws of friends. “Return here, you b***h!” Thomas said, as he called out for Amelia. All Amelia could think about was getting out of this mess. She refused to succumb to her psychopath boyfriend. As she continued to run, she came to a dead end on a lonely road. The road was so desolate that no one could be seen walking, and the pouring rain didn’t help matters. Amelia’s foot had become sore that she could no longer move. She had used all of her strength and was exhausted. One of Thomas’s friends smirked as he shifted his gaze to Thomas. “Why are you fleeing from us, darling? We’re not going to bite, are we?” He sarcastically declared. Amelia was aware that they were making fun of her, and the person she had not expected to laugh had just burst out laughing. She turned around and stared at the person, but it happened so quickly that she missed her steps and fell to the floor. She was doomed! Amelia tried everything she could to get up, but a sharp object sliced her foot as it left a severe cut on her feet, which forced her to start leaping. ‘Amelia, run!’ Run!’ She motivates herself. The fact that she was leaping didn’t help, and those angrily trailing behind her soon caught up with her. They didn’t bother running after her because they could see the state of her bleeding leg. The blood trail from Amelia’s leg could be seen on the road, and soon Thomas and his friends surrounded her. Thomas pushed her with full force towards the floor. Amelia’s right hands were placed on the floor to keep her entire body from collapsing on the ground. Despite the darkness, Amelia could tell they were all smirking, while she was panting profusely. “Thomas. Please… pleas… I… I don’t want it to come to this.” Amelia’s voice could be heard pleading with her boyfriend to let her be. Amelia has been dating Thomas for five years, and they have both promised not to have s*x until they marry. Amelia was faithful to Thomas, believing he loved her deeply, but Thomas didn’t. For the first time in five years that Amelia had known Thomas, she decided to pay him a visit, but Thomas and his friends tried to rape her. Currently. Thomas approached her and lifted her from the floor by dragging her upwards. “Ouch!” Amelia winced in agony as she tried to free herself from his grips, but it was impossible. Amelia’s heart sank as tears streamed down her cheeks, and she realized she was doomed. “Please, Thomas, let me go!” All Amelia could think about were the words she would use to plead with Thomas. It was almost as if he was being possessed by a beast because he didn’t bother to respond to anything Amelia said. “Grab her leg!” Thomas gave his companion an order. Amelia, who had risen from the floor, began shaking her head sideways as more beads of tears fell from her eyes and collided with the raindrops on her face. “Please… don’t do this to me!” Amelia pleaded with Thomas by shaking her head sideways. Thomas’ friends grabbed her leg, causing Amelia to fall to the floor as her head landed on the wet, cold road. ‘Thug!’ The sound of a single head collapsing to the ground was heard, and the head belonged to Amelia. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Amelia’s throat was sore and dry, and she began to pray for help. She required someone to come and save her, possibly a knight in shining armor. The rain became gusty because it suddenly stopped raining and then began to rain again, causing Amelia to feel herself freezing even more. “Let’s get her to the woods before any cars see us.” One of Thomas’s friends recommended it. Amelia felt her stomach tighten in rage because she had always admired Thomas’s friends, and despite the fact that they all appeared to be a bunch of jerks, Amelia had always believed in seeing the good in them. She had the mindset that you should never judge a book by its cover, but she was wronged. Thomas’s recent behavior has taught Amelia that a book should be judged primarily by its cover. Amelia’s leg was being carried by Thomas’s two friends, while Thomas tugged his hands deep inside Amelia’s hair as he pulled her up from the ground. “Thomas… Thomas, please don’t let our five years of relationship go to waste. Thomas, please… I don’t want this… please listen…” Amelia was unable to finish her statement because Thomas slapped her on the cheek, causing piles of blood to spill from her mouth. “Shut the f**k up, you disgusting trash!” Thomas screamed. “I just… I…” Amelia was unable to finish her statement once more because Thomas slapped her on the cheek, causing more blood to spill out of her mouth. “Ouch!!” She screamed in pain. “You better shut up that garbage you call your mouth or I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.” Thomas howls. All Amelia could hear was the sound of someone barking. She was dragged towards the woods, and they made certain that they were far away from the road that no one could hear Amelia’s screams when they began to treat her as they pleased. When they were certain that they were in a safe location, they threw Amelia to the ground as if she were garbage. “Well… well… well!” Thomas said this while drawing every word that came out of his mouth. The rain has begun to fall heavily once more, but Thomas does not appear to be bothered by it. His white singlet was completely soaked in water, as were his blue shorts and some of his black long hair, which fell towards his back while some strands fell towards his face. Amelia shivered even more and crawled backwards, attempting to get away from them. The grass beneath her body, as well as the black mud sand, were wet. Her white gown had suddenly turned black due to the dirt, but Amelia didn’t care. Her feet continued to hurt as she crawled backwards, so she bit her lower lips to relieve the agony. “Amelia, my lovely b***h!” Thomas’s voice was hoarse, and it pierced Amelia. “Amelia, I just want you to comply with us so it won’t be painful for you.” He went on to say. Amelia remained motionless. Thomas didn’t bother waiting for her response and quickly removed his trouser, exposing his manhood. Thomas was not wearing boxer briefs. “b***h! Your eyes are glued to my d**k. You like what you see, don’t you?” Amelia shifted her gaze away from Thomas after his statement. She wasn’t attracted to his d**k, but rather disgusted by it. Amelia was nauseous! “I’m sor… I’m sorry, Thomas, but could you please let me go? I swear I’ll never tell anyone about what happened just now.” Amelia said, pleadingly, as tears streamed down her cheeks. The rain appeared to be angrily falling on his earthlings because it was pouring down its bead of water in a powerful manner. Thomas smirked as he knelt on the wet floor, then slammed his fist into Amelia’s cheek without warning. “Ouch!” She screamed and pressed her hands against her cheek, but Thomas had other plans for her. He drew her hands away from her cheeks and pinned her to the floor, causing her gown to rise slightly and expose her pants. Thomas allowed his d**k, which was standing firm, to touch Amelia’s wet pants and smirked devilishly, frightening and irritating Amelia. “What the f**k are you doing, creep, get off me?” She yelled, attempting to appear brave. Amelia has always been a brave girl, but she never imagined Thomas would do such a sinful thing to her. Currently! She tried to free herself from his grips, but his companions pushed her hands to the ground, leaving her with no choice but to scream. “Arrrrhghh!” Thomas was about to remove Amelia’s gown, and she had given up hope when she noticed the light of a car from a distance. Her eyes flashed with determination as she raised her knees and kicked Thomas’s torso. He was caught off guard because he had not anticipated her action. Amelia wiggled free from Thomas’ grips and began running towards the car she spotted on the road. The car was parked on the side of the road, and the headlights were still turned on. “Return here, you slut!” Thomas’s friend yelled as Amelia continued to run and they run after her She didn’t mind the sharp pain in her foot because she needed to get away from this nightmare, and as she approached the car, she noticed a young man with his trousers halfway down and he had a devilishly smirk on his face. He was completely naked! “Did I just jump from the frying pan into the fire?”
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