A life filled with love

2088 Words
Lily's POV Friday, was the day for my date, I couldn't help feeling giddy all day, my sister kept giving me suspicious around the house as she got ready for work, as I'm sure my overly excited scent gave me away. Eric was such a gentleman, I won't lie I stalked him on social media a bit sees his simple posts having over a hundred thousand followers leaving me impressed, his media page was just mostly on books and advising people who are into writing and publications, Reading his bio to see he was 31, didn't bother me much but I know it would bother him if he finds out my real age. scrolling down to See his workplace as 'Romano chapters, wait, what!!? That was where Alice works! I remember because she left a file and I brought it to her a few days back making me widen in shock, what If Alice finds out about me seeing him, God, this is getting more complicated, what do I do? we've been talking all week nonstop and now my date is today. I chose the amusement park since I have never been since my sister is always a worry worth. I wonder what she thinks and if maybe I'll just collapse on a ride or something, she is overprotective of me and I don't want to break her trust but I don't want to tell her about this, because shell starts snooping and it won't end well. I stared back at my reflection in the mirror as the time ticked I had two hours till my date to meet him at the park I practically begged him not to come to pick me up, since my sister would be coming back from work close to that time Making our rendezvous point the front of the park gate. I reached there to see him standing there in his work clothes without the tie and sleeves folded showing off his f*****g arms, This man was built like a god, can this get any better? I looked up to see him staring at me with the fondest look in his eyes before he approached me. "Hey," Eric said, giving me a light peck making my skin hotter not expecting it, leaving my face beet red. "Um hi" "God, I couldn't wait to see you all week," he said "I'm surprised by the place you picked, many people would have picked a restaurant or something" he grinned as he paid for our gate fees, I was nervous, God have I been caught? God, you're so stupid Alice only a teenager would plan to meet at an amusement park. "I'm sorry we can leave if you want to" "No! no, I don't mean that" he said in a panic, "it's just nice to be a new change of scenery for once." He explained as his calm pheromones stopped my nerves "Oh," "Yeah, it's been so long since I came to one about 20 years now you?" "I've never been," I said I'm sure I shocked him with that. "How come?" he asked I couldn't tell him I was in and out of the hospital as a Child so I just rolled with it. "I was just busy and never had the time." "Hmm, I understand, well now that we are here, I am going to give you the best time of your life." He whispers to me, his green eyes looking into mine. "OK Eric lead the way" I said immediately still lost in his eyes earning a toothy grin from him before he dragged me along. We rode so many rides, I had never felt this much thrill in my life. The last ride was the Ferris wheel, I looked at the city, the lights all illuminating together giving it a breathtaking glow and making the view more magnificent. "It's so Beautiful I mumbled out "Yeah, beautiful," Eric said gaining my attention, I turned to look at him, but his eyes were already on mine, maybe they always were making me smile. Turning wholly to him, his fingers tracing my lips as we came closer, sharing in each other bliss, sealing it with a kiss, it got heavy fast, my head becoming light due to the less oxygen from so high up, making me drop my head to his shoulders as I took in air filled with the scent "Lily are you OK?" "I'm good please just give me a minute," I said trying to get myself back before I went back to kissing him but not heavily just pecking from time to time. "I'm really glad you set this date, Lily, I was almost being swallowed by work and all that, this was an amazing night for me, thank you." "It was the same for me too." * (THIRD PERSON'S POV) They made their way out of the amusement park with hot drinks and churros in their hand as it was already night and the weather turned chilly making their way into his car, Eric turned the heater up, to reduce their elevating temperature. They stopped at her apartment building hand still entwined making her blush. "Lily, I have a company dinner coming soon and I was hoping you would be my date?" he said looking hopeful, She was speechless being put on the spot, she knows he worked with her sister, what if she recognized her from the party, what would she say, she could be exposed, she wanted to tell him herself, but not now. "Um I'm sorry I have to be out of town next weekend" "Oh, no worries I can stop you from doing what you do" he uttered his face falling a bit "It will just be less fun without you." "Don't pout you're making me feel bad" she playfully whined, before leaving to kiss him, they just sat in the car her hand combing through this blonde hair. "It's funny how one encounter can change you, my friend had an experience almost like this, and now he's dating her and they are so happy together." "That's amazing " "Do you think we can be like that?" He asks with a glint of hope in his eyes "I want it to be, do you?" "Of course, I do, so much, he said She caressed my face "text me when you're not busy I want to see you again." "Me too," I said in between kisses "God, I love kissing you." " I noticed," I said smiling into the kiss. Stepping into the apartment was Alice lying on the couch with the TV on best she was fast asleep "Hey Lily," she said groggily waking up from sleep, "Hi, sis," "Your food is in the fridge, you can warm it up, I came back early so I made dinner," "Oh, thank you " "I need to go sleep I'll see you tomorrow alright, we need to look at universities you want to apply to." She said yawning before she packed her hair in a scrunchie trudging into her room. I need to come clean about this I can't keep lying to him and keeping secrets from Lily I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Fuck what am I going to do? ******** Alice walked into the company feeling giddy to see Lucas she had not seen him for the day due to his sudden trip last week to London, she felt lonely last week if they weren't face-timing or talking over the phone she would be sulking, she couldn't believe how attached she had become in such a short period, He came back by 2 am this morning calling the first thing that he was coming to see her immediately after he got off the plane, leading her sternly talked him out Of it, knowing how stubborn he was, he was jet-lagged and lacked sleep not wanting him to feel more stressed, making this first-time meeting after his trip last week today. She got to the president’s floor where her desk was to make sure his appointments and meetings for the day were well put together The elevator dinged signaling his entry with three directors updating him about their expansion plans, he reached Alice’s desk, giving her an unreadable look. "Good morning Mr. Romano" Alice quipped "Yes, miss Scott? I need you in my office right now," "Right away sir." "And gentleman we'll continue this later," he said bidding farewell to the directors before entering his office with Alice in tow. As soon as she was fully in, he locked the door pinning her to the wall before grabbing her into a searing kiss. "f**k I missed you" "Did you Mr. Romano?" She joked, her hands combing through his locks "You have no idea he said kissing her immediately, tracing pecks down her neck back to catching her lips" She pushed him softly arranging her top "Mr. Romano may I remind you we are in the office " "I don't care he said tracing her lips" "Well I do and we have to keep it professional no matter how relentless you are" she spoke Whatever you want miss Scott, he said smirking before he backed off. ******** Alice was on her system typing away on her, still having work to do. The elevator opened, Alice not expecting anyone on this floor, she looked up to see a woman in her early 50s, silky hair packed in a tight bun, wearing a knee-level black pencil dress, paired with extravagant emerald stones on her necklace, and ears lastly paired with silver pumps. Alice would be crazy if she did not know her, though she had never met her, her reputation preceded her, the wife of the late chairman Mrs. Vera Romano and the mother of the president and CEO. She walked to Alice's desk, staring intently at her before she took off her shades " So, you're the new secretary," she said eyeing Alice before she stalked off into the office Moments later Alice heard voices growing louder in the office knowing his mom was probably pissed about something. She didn't want to intervene but she had to. After a minute of arguing with herself, she knocked quickly making her way in as the voice quieted down. Earned a deadly glare from Lucas’s mother, but not breaking her resolve "Mr. Romano, you have a meeting right now." His mother turned back to Lucas. "Remember this is for your father, you need to be there," she said sternly before she picked up her designer bag and left. "I'm sorry you had to see that he said sighing from how stressful the confrontation was "It's OK it's not your fault it happens, are you alright I don't want to be more stressed out." "Yes, I am thanking you, Angel, you said I have a meeting?" "Yeah, about where I might have fibbed about that" Alice said coyly, earning a wide smile from Lucas, who opened his arms beaconing Alice for a hug. She happily obliged, he held her tightly relaxing into it, letting out a content sigh, falling into her familiar scent "What was that about anyway, is there something wrong with the company?" Alice asked quietly. "She wants me to go, to this event in honor of people who have had a great impact on society, my dad is up for a lifetime achievement award" "That’s amazing isn't it?" "It Is, but that's not what's making me reluctant to go" "What is it you can tell me," Alice said assuring patting his forearm for support " "She just wants to set me up with Monica, this is all just in her elaborate plan to see me with her" "Oh," Alice said quietly. "Believe me, Alice, I'll never do that to you" "I know, but this is for your dad isn't it? You have to be there." "I will go, but I want you to come with me as my date" "Won't people talk?" "Don't forget you are also my secretary so people won't suspect much" "OK, then I will go." "Why- wait, s**t?!!" Lucas asked grinning happily not believing she just accepted. "Yes, I will come with you on a short date Mr. Romano" "There's no backing out of this Alice, I want you there, you have no idea how happy this makes me" I won't back out I want to be there with you, " she said with finality . "Perfect" Lucas uttered before bringing her into a kiss.
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