At deep waters end

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Saturday came in a rush, Alice bustling to Robin's house not knowing what to wear, they had searched all day for a dress even though she bought one it still didn't feel right, They heard a knock on Robin's door revealing it to be Lily with a package almost covering Lily as he held it up "Um, sis, this was just dropped at the front door it has your name on it" Robin immediately collected it being more excited than the addressed owner of the package who was sitting right next to her. Robin in light speed returned with a pair of scissors carefully clipping through the package to reveal another package within, fancier with a big bow tied to it, making their brows raise in curiosity about what it was. There was a handwritten letter on the box which read - *_A lovely dress for a lovelier woman, I hope you like the dress, I'll be waiting Lucas. R*_ Making Alice smile, she suddenly heard a gasp from Robin looking up to see her and her sister staring wide-eyed at the package. She turned to stare, letting out a soft gasp at how beautiful the gown was. "This must have cost a fortune!" Robin spoke, "and gosh look at the shoes!" Making Alice hastily grabbed her phone to text the culprit leaving them all stunned [4:37] Alice: You didn't have to do this. [4:39] Lucas I wanted to, please accept it. Lucas texted making her sigh in defeat [3:42]Alice You're so good to me thank you, Lucas [3:43]Lucas You're worth it Angel. . . “Sis! this gown is so beautiful," her sister said in amazement. "OK, no more gawking we need to get you dressed!" Robin announced dragging her and her other hand occupied with the box of clothes and designer accessories into the room. **** It was already 6:45 pm and the event started at 7, she went down the stairs to see Lucas had texted her he was outside already. She reached there to see that he was with an ocean blue Lamborghini He leaned on the car his Greek sculpted body in all its glory fitted in a tailored tux, his hair swept back and hands tucked in the pockets As he sighted her his jaw dropped, at the scene he was looking at, she A red silk spaghetti strapped deep sweetheart neckline dress, with a long-split stopping at her hips showing off her tanned skin, her hair placed up in a messy yet elegant bun. The opened neckline shows her striking collarbones pairing it with black opal studded earrings that matched her designer heeled pumps She made her way down the steps smiling widely " You, are so breathtaking," he said as he rushed to her side kissing her swiftly making her laugh in between "And you Mr. Romano are so cheesy I'm serious, f**k I think we shouldn't go for this let's cancel so I can take you home instead." "Behave, Lucas," she said giggling as she leaned her head on his shoulders "let's go?" "OK, but I won't promise it will be fine though, there will be a lot of boring people there but you have me instead." **** They arrived at the venue, Lucas swiftly stepped out of his rides, moving in large strides to the other door and opening it up for Alice as flashes of Cameras took so many pictures of them, Alice was not used to it put her head down, not wanting the mass attention, with Lucas noticing her internal displeasure gently lead her into the ballroom, heads turn to look at them, Looks of curiosity, admiration, and jealousy all mixed in, as They made their way through the crowd of elites and socialites He didn't leave her side the whole night even when important clients and visitors came to talk with him, he took her along, introducing her as his secretary even though he scowled a little not being able to say this was his lover, because of her not being comfortable with it yet, They also met Eric who was mingling in the grown looking like a kicked puppy, explaining to Lucas why his date couldn't make it, making Alice wonder at what kind of girl would miss a night with this great guy.... only if she knew ****, The main ceremony began as the hall quieted down, for the award to begin. Everyone clapped loudly as Lucas went up the stage to receive the award. Murmurs were being passed beside Alice, "wow he's so handsome," the blonde said to her redheaded friend "I know, the lady he's with must be so lucky," they said making Alice smile as she swelled with pride. "You know no underclass can be with him, that's why he's engaged to the model Monica, " "That is so true I just saw her walk In, I heard she was late because of a shoot, I'm sure she has come to claim back her man" One of the girls squealed in a high giggle that annoyed the hell out of Alice.Eric who had been beside her listening in snickered before Whispering to her, "If only they knew he was taken already" Making Alice whiplash so fast, that she looked up at eric a little surprised. Yes, Lucas was hers, no one else. Sounding applause broke through the room as he finished his speech coming down and looking straight at Alice like she was his world. As He passed the award on to Eric " How did I do? " he whispered to her "Amazing, " "If that's what you think, then I'm happy" he grinned. Lucas then felt a tap from his friend signaling someone wanted to talk To him " Lucas, remember that director from that advertisement company in Seattle that has been wanting to strike a deal with you?" "Yeah." "Well, he's right behind you now, " "Gosh he's so relentless" Making Alice giggle, "just give him the benefit of doubt" Alice, insisted, even when she had not seen the director's face. "OK, just because of you." "Mr. Romano?" They heard a voice call, that voice, and the horrid scent.... making Alice shiver in fear no, no no this was not happening " Oh yes, Mr. Benjamin if I'm correct?" Lucas said Reaching out to shake the man, while his other arm was still entwined with Alice’s arm. "Yes, sir, I've been wanting to talk to you...... " The man then stopped abruptly turning his whole body to Alice in recognition "Miss Scott?" Alice felt her heart sink that he had noticed her, her fingers sinking into Lucas's hand unknowingly as she had him in a death grip "Alice are you alright?" he whispers to her with a concerned look in his eyes "Um yeah..." "Do you know him?" Lucas asked looking for alarming signals in her features and turning back to look at Mr. Benjamin who looked at her with a smirk "I-I need to use the lady's room, excuse me," she said immediately, walking off ad her body shook in disgust. Fuck f**k f**k, this can be happening she left Seattle just not to confront him, and now he's here What does she say to Lucas, that she was almost r***d by that beast, she wanted to leave, and she grabbed her pause making her way out to see Lucas standing with Monica, too close as her hand caressed his face? Alice rushed quickly out of the hall not wanting to be there anymore, and missing Lucas deflecting Monica's touch, She made it to the hallway walking fast as she could before a hand pulled her back roughly "Alice," the voice that made her blood coil in disgust called her "You look so amazing tonight I almost didn't recognize you, f**k the thing I want to do to you," he said coming closer to her, his disgusting pheromones spreading into the air that made her more nauseous "Get away from me!" She shouted trying to pull her arm away "you're mine remember? f**k I missed your smell." he said pulling her to the wall as he scented his neck harshly, grabbing her waist roughly to hold her down. A powerful blow met with Mr. Benjamin's face as Alice looked up to see Lucas raging as he landed another blow on him and then another making his face bloody, Lucas at that moment only saw red. "She said to leave her alone! don't f*****g touch my omega, ...mine!!!" "Lucas, stop please!" she screeched stopping him from doing any more harm, as his senses came backing even though his eyes were raging red as he had changed to his wolf eyes "Alice, angel are you alright?" He asked rushing to her, as he held her protectively "I want to leave, please," she said quietly, holding his jacket "Yeah, anything for you," MINE, MINE! Lucas’s head kept buzzing as he held her close with his wolf repeating those words to him, using his last will and focusing on her scent, because he knows he might jump back onto Mr. Benjamin Before they stepped out into the cold, he removes his suit jacket and put it on her drowning her already small frame, As they waited for the chauffeur to bring his car. He couldn't hold back himself as she kissed her seeing tears form in her eyes "Angel tell me what happened, f**k I'm going back there" "No, don't, just stay with me" she urged, pulling him back as he brought her into a hug kissing her forehead multiple times to calm her. He then pulled out his phone calling James his head security to take Mr. Benjamin to lock him up, his car arrived, ushering Alice into the car seat before he sped up into the night. His hands fisted the steering wheel in rage as he held on to Alice with the other. "We're going to my place," he said with finality Alice not even arguing as she looked outside the window. A tear ran down her face, she can't believe how this night turned out, she just wanted to scream, but she felt so much calmer with just Lucas's touch. Fuck how was she going to explain this?
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