Episode 1: "The Last Journey"

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Victor awoke to the sound of the alarm clock echoing in his room, but unlike typical mornings, a sense of unease filled his heart. He stretched slowly, trying to shake off the oppressive feeling that seemed to hover over him. The day was bright and sunny, yet even the golden light filtering through the curtains couldn’t dispel the shadows accumulating in his mind. The memory of his recent interactions with the clock—the artifact that allowed him to revisit memories—was fresh. He had ventured down treacherous paths, correcting past mistakes, but each choice had made him more aware of the repercussions of his actions. Victor got up, feeling the weight of his responsibility, and walked into the kitchen. Clara was there, a gentle smile on her face, preparing coffee. The fresh aroma of the hot liquid filled the room, bringing a momentary comfort. "Good morning, love," she said, looking at him affectionately. But behind her smile, he could sense a silent worry. "Good morning," Victor replied, trying to mimic her enthusiasm but failing miserably. Clara raised an eyebrow, noticing the difference in his demeanor. "Is everything okay? You seem... distant." He hesitated. What could he say? That he was struggling with the idea that each visit to the past wasn’t just a correction, but an alteration that could transform his reality? "I’m just tired," he said, avoiding her gaze. The truth was that despite the apparent happiness he enjoyed with Clara and Ana, there was a tight knot in his stomach. "What do you have planned for today?" Clara asked, changing the subject, but Victor felt she was merely trying to push away the cloud that seemed to hang over him. He smiled faintly and replied, "I think I’ll take Ana to the park." Clara nodded, appearing satisfied, but he saw doubt in her eyes. After breakfast, Victor prepared to leave. As he dressed, he couldn’t help but glance at the clock sitting on his bedside table. He felt drawn to it, almost like a puppet pulled by invisible strings. "What more can you do to me?" he whispered, but no answer came. At the park, Ana was full of energy, running across the lawn and collecting colorful leaves. The sun shone on her hair, creating a halo around her head. Victor sat on a bench, watching his daughter play. Each laugh that escaped her lips was a reminder of what he was trying to protect, but the reality was that he might be throwing it all away. "Daddy! Look what I found!" Ana exclaimed, holding up a yellow flower. The smile on her face was contagious, but a shadow of uncertainty formed in Victor's heart. He was so focused on protecting the present that he forgot that memories weren’t just a game. They were lived lives, experiences that shaped who they were. "It’s beautiful, Ana," he replied, forcing a smile. "You’re becoming a true explorer." Her joy was palpable, but he couldn’t shake the thought of what could happen if his past actions came back to haunt them. What had he changed, and how would it affect Ana's life? During the outing, Victor decided he needed to talk to Clara about his concerns, but the words seemed to vanish as soon as he tried to articulate them. He was in a dilemma, trapped between the need to protect his family and the awareness that his actions could bring catastrophic consequences. Upon returning home, he found Clara organizing papers at the dining table. "Victor, you need to tell me what’s tormenting you," she said as soon as she saw him enter. Her tone was firm, but there was an underlying fragility. He wanted to open up, but the fear of what he might reveal paralyzed him. "I’m trying to understand," he began, but soon hesitated. "Sometimes, I feel like I’m living in a nightmare, like I’m not in control." Clara stepped closer, taking his hands. "You don’t have to carry this weight alone," she said, her eyes conveying understanding and love. But the truth was that he felt increasingly isolated. The voices echoing in his mind pushed him away. "Clara, you don’t know what I’ve done," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I altered the past. And I don’t know what this could mean for us." She furrowed her brow, trying to process his words. "Alter the past? What do you mean?" Victor knew he needed to explain, but he feared breaking the reality they had built together. "I… I have a clock. It allows me to go back in time. I’ve used it to correct mistakes, but every time I do, something in the present changes. I can’t keep doing this." Clara’s expression shifted from confusion to concern. "You mean you’re changing our past without my knowledge?" "Yes. And I don’t know how this is affecting you and Ana." Silence settled between them, a deep chasm. "I can’t keep living like this. What I’m doing isn’t right." Clara shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. "Victor, you need to stop. We need to face this together, but we can’t play with time. We can’t just change what has already happened." He felt crushed. The internal struggle between the desire to correct what was broken and the responsibility to accept reality weighed heavily on him. "I just wanted us to be happy," he said, his voice filled with despair. "And we are. But happiness comes from who we are now, not from what could have been," Clara replied. The firmness in her words touched something within him, but doubt still gnawed at him. "What can I do to fix this?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. "I don’t want to lose you." "Then stop. Stop using the clock. Let’s live in the present, no matter how imperfect it may be." Her words echoed in his mind. He knew he needed to try. But the fear that everything he had built could crumble without the clock's help left him paralyzed. That night, he retreated to the basement, where the clock was stored, surrounded by dusty boxes and memories of a past he now wanted to leave behind. The object pulsed with a strange energy, as if it knew he was approaching. "What more can you show me?" he whispered, holding the clock. And in an instant, he was pulled back into a memory—a birthday where Clara was radiant and happy, surrounded by friends and family. But this time, something was wrong. He felt a pressure in his chest, a shadow hovering over the scene. Victor tried to pull away, but the vision intensified. He saw Clara and Ana laughing, but in the background, the sound of a siren began to echo. A chill ran down his spine as he realized it wasn’t just a memory; it was a warning of what was to come. "What’s happening?" he shouted, but the scene didn’t dissolve. The light around them began to darken, and the image of his family distorted into shadows. Finally, he managed to break free, gasping for breath, his heart racing. The basement was silent, except for the pulsating sound of the clock, which now seemed more threatening than ever. Victor realized he was on the verge of crossing a line from which he might not return. The choices he had made had ramifications, and every attempt to correct the past was creating a butterfly effect that could be devastating. "What have I done?" he whispered to himself as the light from the clock flickered, almost as if it were waiting for his next decision. Time had become a labyrinth, and he didn’t know if he could find the way out.
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