Episode 2: "The Addiction of Nostalgia"

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After the intense experience of reliving the moment of Ana's birth, Victor Almeida found himself frozen in his room, his heart pulsing with a mix of joy and confusion. He stared at the watch, now resting on the table like a magical artifact. What more could he discover? What other memories awaited him? That night, sleep did not come easily. Victor tossed and turned in bed, restless, his memories dancing in his mind like shadows in a storm. Clara's smile, Ana's adorable gaze, and the indescribable feeling of holding her for the first time haunted him. He knew that every memory he accessed could change the reality he knew. Finally, morning arrived, and he found himself gazing out the window, the sunlight illuminating the street. He felt as though he had a new life before him. The watch, however, felt more like a burden than a blessing. With every impulse to return to the past, a part of him wondered if he were tampering with forces he didn’t understand. Determined to experiment further, Victor took the watch and headed to the café where he used to meet Clara. The place still preserved the aroma of fresh coffee and the vibrant chatter of customers. He sat at a table by the window, watching people pass by. The past seemed more alluring than ever, and he knew he needed the courage to activate it once more. "What if I could fix everything?" he thought, excitement growing within him. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the memory of the day he proposed to Clara, a moment filled with love and hope. Without hesitation, Victor activated the watch. A golden glow enveloped him, and in an instant, he was back to a magical night under a starry sky. The restaurant was lit with candles, and Clara sat across from him, her gaze full of love and expectation. The atmosphere was perfect, and he could feel the positive tension in the air. "Victor, you look so serious," Clara said, smiling. "What's going on?" He smiled, recalling the anxiety he felt at that time. At that moment, his heart raced. He prepared to speak, but the voice within him hesitated. He knew he had a chance to relive a moment he had always desired, but he felt he was about to do something that could have irreversible consequences. "Clara, I..." he began, but before he could finish, reality began to tremble around him. The glow of the watch intensified, and suddenly, he found himself back in his living room, the watch in his hand. What had happened? What had he altered? Confused, Victor looked around. The room was different. There were photos of Clara and Ana on the table, but in some of them, Clara looked younger. He abruptly stood up, surveying the house that now seemed like a time capsule. It was then that he heard a familiar laugh coming from the kitchen. His heart raced. He cautiously approached and peeked through the door. Clara was there, but she didn’t seem to recognize him. There was another person with her: a tall, charming man who was embracing her with a warmth Victor had never seen before. A wave of jealousy and despair washed over him. He was in a reality that made no sense, and now Clara had a life that did not include him. Desperate, Victor retreated from the door and sat on the sofa, trying to absorb what was happening. The watch pulsed in his hand, as if it were alive, and he realized he could no longer trust his choices. The idea of reliving the past now felt like a dangerous trap. A whirlwind of emotions overwhelmed him: loss, anger, and guilt crushed him. "I can’t do this," he murmured to himself, but the question lingered in his mind: "What if I could fix everything again?" He needed to figure out how to deal with the consequences of his actions, but the temptation to try once more consumed him. The watch pulsed, and Victor knew that every decision brought him closer to an abyss. What did he really want? What was he willing to sacrifice to get back what he had lost? The line between past and present was blurring, and Victor realized that not only was his future at stake, but also the fate of everyone he loved.
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