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The whole ride was covered with awkward silence. Or maybe it was just me. I don't know what's gotten into me and I did that. What I did earlier ... I wonder what he thinks of me now. I glanced at Ares who was silently driving and then I remembered it again. I closed my eyes firmly and just focused on the road. I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I remembered what happened, his scent, the feeling --- and I left a mark on his neck, too!  Mercifully, he decided to wear a scarf. "We're going to the castle today," he announced and my head whipped in his direction.  "Right now?"  He looked at me briefly and then back to the road. "After we stop by a shop," he just said and we were covered in complete silence again. I stole a glance at him and he has the same expression on his face. I don't think what happened earlier had an effect on him as much as it did on me. Maybe I just overreacted. Maybe that wasn't a big deal to him. He's a Prince. Of course, there's a lot of women out there who ...  I didn't finish the thought and just focused on the road. I wonder how long will I have to be his wife. And bearing an heir ... Is it really worth it? Is it really necessary? And after I give him an heir, I'm free to do whatever I want. Will I be able to walk away, though? Knowing I have a child...I shook away the thought. Maybe...Maybe all of this will be over and I won't need to give him an heir. If I could somehow convince the Queen to spare me, convince her that I am not interested in the throne and that she has nothing to worry about, then maybe I can convince Ares I don't need to give him an heir. The moment we get married, he will be King. And then hopefully, my conflict will get resolved not long after that.  I felt the car stopped. I looked around and we stopped at a clothing shop. He went outside and just motioned me to get out too. I wonder what we'll do here.  I went out of the car and followed him entering the shop. Expensive looking dresses and clothes were displayed on each mannequin. One look from it and I can already tell expensive things are sold here. I can't help but marvel at the sight. But before I could even enter the room, Ares stopped and faced me. I was about to open my mouth when I felt something on my head. It was a hat.  "Nobody here knows you but," he tapped the hat, "just in case," he said and walked inside. I followed him and I couldn't help but gape at the elegance inside. From dresses to shirts, clothes for men and women are there.  "Ares!" A woman, just about my age greeted the Prince. Ares?  My brows quirk up when I looked at the Prince. He was smiling. A genuine smile! Something I've seen for the very first time since I saw him.  The girl was tall. Taller than me by a few inches. Her brown hair was tied in a neat bun and her uniform did well to emphasize the generous curves in her body. She's gorgeous and she is smiling at Ares.  "Nice to see you, Ely," Ares greeted and the woman's smile grew wider. One look at her and I could already tell she has a ... fascination for Ares. I can't blame her. But I was more surprised to see Ares' expression. He was also smiling. It was only a small tug on the corners of his lips but it was genuine. I can tell.  "It's nice to see you back here. I don't see you very often now," the woman, Ely, greeted back. She even dropped her honorifics.  They started talking about anything and I decided to roam my eyes around the shop. The minimal interior of the shop makes it look more elegant. I know they're expensive and I couldn't help but wonder how expensive. And what are we doing here? The soft smiles and the way the woman casually touches Ares tells me they have a close relationship.  "I want her to wear something nice. Charge it to my account," I heard him say.  I whirled and looked at him. A questioning look on my face. Ares just gave me his usual blank stare. I gave him a dirty look. He's all smiley and sunshine when she looks at that woman and all I get is his usual I-don't-give-a-damn look. I looked at the woman and the smile disappeared from her face.  "Who is she, Ares?" she asked as I walked towards them.  "My fiancè," he answered casually and I almost tripped on the floor. Ely was surprised as she stared at me. I get the look on her face. I couldn't believe I'd be his wife either.  "I didn't know you had a girlfriend," Ely muttered, smiling, but her voice and her expression told me otherwise. He didn't have a girlfriend.  I wanted to tell her that her glare is totally unnecessary.  "I had," Ares answered and fished out a card from his pocket before he went to me and pulled my hand to where the dresses were. I was still digesting what happened earlier that I didn't notice him pick up a midnight blue dress and handed it to me. "Try that one first." He gently pushed me to the fitting room. "Do you need any help, Miss—" "No," I said. She gave me a forced smile. "No, I can handle this myself." But I was surprised to feel Ares' hand on my shoulders. "You can't. I'll help you. Now, come on." My eyes widened when I heard what he said. "What do you mean you're going to help me?" I looked at him, then to Ely, who was also looking at us. A look of surprise was written across her face. Who wouldn't be surprised about it? He just raised a brow and pushed me to the fitting room.  He locked the door and faced me, removing the hat I was wearing. "Undress," he commanded.  "What the hell is this all about?" I hissed. I reached for the lock, trying to unlock the door to kick him out.  "Ares!" I exclaimed but he just ignored me as he eyed me from head to foot. "What on earth are you doing?"  "Helping you try the dress," he answered as a matter of factly. "I can handle this myself! I can't possibly wear this if you're watching --" "Oh, you certainly can. You did a lap dance on me earlier--"  Before he could even finish his sentence, I covered his mouth and closed my eyes firmly.  Trying my very best not to snap his neck. Though I doubt if I can.  "Will you shut your mouth? People can hear us outside!" I hissed. Then I realized how close I was to him that I immediately stepped back. "Ely won't mind." I doubt that.  I heaved a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Trying to find a way to get him out of here.  "What is this all about, Ares?" I asked, voice almost whispering. But instead of going out, he leaned closer.  "You were silent the whole ride and I figured maybe it was because of what happened earlier this morning so I'm just trying to calm your nerves. Making you forget about what happened." I resisted the urge to scoff at him. Forget about it? How could I possibly forget about it? That was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. And him, trying to make me forget about it, makes it even harder to forget about it. But I just sighed. So he noticed the awkward silence too. And he's just making the air less tensed.  "And helping me try on the dress is your way of making me forget about it?"  He nodded and inserted his hands into his pockets.  "I appreciate this, Ares. Really. This trying to make me feel less embarrassed about what happened earlier, I really do. But helping me get dressed is just..." I sighed. "Will you please just wait outside?" I said and looked at him.  He stared at me for a few seconds before he said, "I don't want to have an awkward air between us. Especially we're meeting my family later. Try the dress on," he said before he walked out of the fitting room. I let out a relieved sigh and tried the dress on.  When I beheld myself in the mirror, I nodded approvingly. I'm not an expert when it comes to dressing up but I think Ares chose the right dress as it fits perfectly. And then I remembered what he said:  I can tell you your vital stats right now.  I fought the heat creeping to my cheeks. How does he make everything so casual? Like everything is not a big deal for him.  I opened the door and found him waiting outside. He made a gesture on his hand urging me to turn around and I did. And when I faced him again, he nodded, as if satisfied with what he sees and handed Ely a card. Ely gave me a brief glance before she went to the counter. Ares, apparently, is not too fond of giving compliments.  "You chose the right--" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when he knelt and took out a pair of high-heeled shoes.  "Ares, I can do it by myself," I said while looking around. Thankfully, Ely's the only one inside. I don't know what's going on with him today.  "Put on the shoes, Rain."   I gulped and slid my feet on the shoes slowly. It was also perfect on my feet.  "How are you so observant? You're getting all my sizes correct., I muttered before I could even stop my mouth. He stood up and gave me a lopsided smile. "Of course. My eyes and my hands remember where they've been to."   What the hell.  I looked at Ely and she was also staring at us. I want to tell her that whatever she's thinking, it's not like at all. But she smiled at me when she caught me staring and gave Ares his card. "Thank you, Ely. Today, I want you to be the witness," Ares muttered. "What?" Ely asked, puzzled. But I already have an idea of what's going to happen when Ares took out a small blue box from his pocket.  I couldn't help but gulp. I was expecting he'd open it and kneel in front of me and say the cheesy line but he just tossed the box to me and said, "Wear that." My jaw dropped as I looked at him. He just raised a brow, waiting for me to do what he asked me to do. I looked at the box and opened it. A diamond ring was in it. My eyes went to him who was also looking at me. "Isn't there a romantic line, somewhere?" I asked, removing the ring from the box and slipped it on my fingers. "Like 'Will you marry me?' or 'Would you want to spend the rest of your life with me?'" I raised my hand to look at the ring fitting perfectly on my finger.  He just looked at his watch and then to me. "You don't want to spend the rest of your life with me. DO I don't need to ask it," he said and straightened his suit. His hair was pulled back today and compare to what he looked like a few hours ago, I couldn't choose which one looked better on him. He looked good either with his hair pulled back or ruffled. I wonder if he ever had a moment in his life when he looked ugly.  "You're such a romantic," I said sarcastically.  I gave Ely a small smile and she just stared at me as if she couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't believe what just happened either. I followed him out and went inside the car.  "Good to see you not being awkward again. I'll tour you later. We're late for lunch," he said and drove off. I looked at the ring. It was beautiful. Something that I would steal if I saw it. And then I remembered, after I marry Ares it would mean I have to stop stealing. I pondered upon what he said earlier. That I could leave if I choose to. After I give him an heir, I can do whatever I want with my life. It sounded so easy for him but-- my mother was rarely there for me when I was little. If I am going to have a child, I wouldn't let my absence be the highlight of my baby's childhood. I wouldn't want to be absent as my child grows up.  So I looked at him. He was focused on the road and I was contemplating what to tell him.  "Ares, maybe you don't need me know, produce an heir."  He looked at me and then back to the road. "I mean,  if we marry, you'd get the throne. Isn't that what you want? And then if my conflict gets resolves after that, that ends our deal, right? Then you can find another woman to give you an heir. Maybe someone you like." "True." He nodded.  I blinked and then looked at him. "Then you agree with me?" "But I told you before. I am attracted to you. And you are attracted to me as well. Why don't we just end up with each other?" "Ares, I don't think being attracted to each other is enough. This may be not a big deal for you, but it is a damn big one for me."  He went silent. But then he stopped the car and I didn't realize we have reached the gates of the Palace. My heart ratcheted into a thundering beat suddenly. I don't know why I'm getting nervous all of a sudden.  "Let's talk about that later. Come, they're waiting for us." The moment I realized what's going to happen, I felt like I was marching to my doom. Like I just signed my death warrant. Oh god. I think I'm going to throw up.  * * * 
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