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"What's wrong?" he asked as he stood up. My traitorous eyes traveled again from his face down to his sculpted chest, then to his---I shook my head and realized I just woke up and I might look like I wrestled ten drunk men. But he looked like he doesn't care and thankfully, he decided to wear a shirt. I walked to the kitchen and made myself busy with whatever I can do because a shirtless Ares Magnussen apparently is very, very distracting. "No. Nothing's wrong," I answered as I reached for a cup. I made myself some coffee. I glanced at him and he's back on the sofa, reading his book. I gulped. It's true that one person looks different when he's at home. Looking at Ares Magnussen, in his comfortable shirt and sweatpants, he looks so ... at ease. Unlike that time when we were in Carnes. He always looked so alert and wary. Aside from that, seeing him like this-- unruffled hair, very ordinary clothes--he doesn't look Princely at all. I could see a different side of Ares today. "So you really come here to relax?" I asked as I poured coffee into my cup. I saw him nodded. "Once in a while, yes." I understand. This place is built for solitude. I eyed the veranda outside and I could see the lake far ahead, its crystal waters glinting under the morning sun. It must be nice to live here, away from everything. With my short stay here, I could feel it--the peace. As if I was taken to another dimension, far away from Carnes. "How was your stay here so far?" he asked, his eyes still fixed on the book. I sipped on my coffee and grimaced at the bitterness of it. I added some sugar. "It's nice here. Very peaceful." "What do you think about living here?" This time, he closed his book and fixed his eyes on me. I gave him a questioning look. "You live here after we got married. Or do you prefer to live in the Palace, instead?" I thought about it and it's not that bad. I think it's better for me to be hidden in here. Then I won't need to worry about getting found. Or at least, I would be living in peace for a certain time before they find me. I walked towards him and sat on the sofa opposite him. "After all of this is over, after you get your throne, and after the Carnes' Queen stops hunting me, what happens next?" "After you give birth to an heir, you choose. I don't mind having you as my wife. I don't really care who I marry. I even chose you even though you're a thief. You can also choose to leave if you want." He has a point. And here he is again with his 'I-don't-care-about-anything' mindset. And will I be really able to leave after having a child with him? "I have a suggestion," I announced. He leaned his back on the sofa and looked at me. "Let's not do the s*x thing. You're rich. We can try artificial insemination." His brows quirked up. "For someone like you who has stayed in the streets for a long time, you sure know a lot." I only shrugged. "I read stuff, Your Highness,. "Well, that's not a bad idea, too. Costly, but wise." His eyes traveled down my body and he sipped on his tea. "Why don't you want the s*x thing?" I cleared my throat. Still unable to grasp how the hell can this man be so casual about almost anything. "I..well--" I felt my face heating up. "You're a virgin," he said flatly and I don't think I've been so embarrassed my whole life. He doesn't say it to insult. He just said it because it's a fact. But I straightened my back and looked at him straight in the eye. "So what if I am?" But he just nodded, looking at me as if I am a very interesting specimen. He rested his elbows on his knees and leaned closer to me. His eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you." I blinked and then scoffed at him. "And what do you mean by that?" "You're attractive. And even if you didn't have a boyfriend, surely there's been a lot of guys hitting on you. How about that Aizen guy?" I gulped. In fact, no one has ever tried hitting on me. I don't know. Maybe I was hiding too much. And Aizen? "There's no way in hell I would sleep with him. He's like my sibling. That'd be gross." But he just ignored me and nodded. "No one hitting on you before, too," he confirmed. I felt my cheeks getting redder each second. But when I looked at him, there's no hint of expression on his face. He just sat there as if he understands. "That's baffling," he said and leaned back. He crossed his legs and arms and stared at me. I dared to stare back, a questioning look on my face. "What is?" "Maybe you were hiding too much that's why they didn't see you. But there must be some point in your life where you roamed around, not hiding your face, right?" "And?" "When I saw you that night, in the bridge when your hood fell down, I found you really attractive. Any man who sees you the first time would be attracted." I blinked. Once. Twice. "Are you saying you're attracted to me?" I pointed to myself. He shrugged and answered, "I am." He then sipped on his tea. And raised his cup to me. "And you are attracted to me, as well." I bristled at the sheer confidence in his statement. I am very attracted to him. The moment I saw his stormy eyes. But I won't admit that. So I laughed on his face. He just looked at me. I laughed. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I think you have a very high opinion of yourself to assume that I am attracted to you." I felt my heartbeat thundered. I stood up and was about to walk when I felt him grab my wrist and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap. "I do. And I know what I'm saying. You know it too." I couldn't move when I felt his arm snaked around my waist, his mouth near my ear. "Despite the stubbornness Rain, I saw how you steal glances. How your cheeks get red when you saw me that night. How you blushed when you saw me earlier. And now..." I hitched my breath when I felt his breath on my neck. "And now, I can feel your body tensing just with this little contact." Little contact? Does he call this little contact? Sitting on his lap, his arms on my waist and his warm breath on my neck is definitely not little contact. "Anyone in my position right now would be tensed." I turned to look at him and I instantly regretted doing so because right now, his face is too close, his hypnotizing eyes seem to pull me into its depths. Maybe it was because of his eyes that I didn't care anymore. I didn't care what my face looks like. I didn't care if he has his arms snaked around my waist, I didn't care if he's going to fire me after this but I can't lose. If he wants to play this game, I will gladly dance on his chessboard. So with one swift motion, I shifted myself, settling comfortably on his lap. And my body went taut the moment I was face to face with him. His hands still on my waist, his face too near, and in his eyes is a glint of surprise. "What are we doing?" I asked, almost a whisper. He went utterly still. Was it surprise? Did he not expect me to play the game he's playing? "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice low, almost guttural. "You said I'm attracted to you, might as well live up to it." "What are you trying to prove, Rain? It is pretty clear to me how you feel-" I gave a small laugh. I leaned close, enough for my mouth to reach his ear. "You wish, Your Highness." And then I felt him tensed when I bit his earlobe. I smiled. Good. "You're playing a very dangerous game, Ms. Robynn." I quirked my brows but then closed my eyes as I sniffed his neck. God, he smells so good. And I felt his hand on my waist tightened. "Earlier I was Rain. Now, I'm Ms. Robbyn. Which one is it, Your Highness?" I continued to sniff on his neck and I don't know what has gotten into me that I started to caress his arms, up and down. Feeling his muscles underneath the shirt. "If you continue this-" "What? What will happen if I continue this, Ares?" I said, and I don't recognize the voice coming out of me. I continued to sniff on his neck and I heard him hitched a breath when I softly bit the base of it. And the sound he made when I did it made me feel so strange that I continued giving him soft bites and soft kisses on the base of his neck. And when his warm hands caressed my legs under the pajamas I was wearing, I let out a soft sigh and I started grinding on top of him. I heard him groaned. "I don't think you're ready for it," he said and I could feel him breathing harder. I stopped moving. I froze the instant I heard what he said. But he smelled good. I can't get enough. So I licked his neck, to his jaw, and I saw how he closed his eyes firmly as I continued to grinned on top of him. I bit my lip when I felt something underneath the sweat pants he was wearing. He is turned on. Ares Magnussen is turned on. And for some strange reasons, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. It was so good to see him react like that that I continually give small kisses on his jaw, giving soft bites to his earlobe, while his hands are now inside my shirt. The feel of his warm hands on my skin felt really good that I pressed myself closer to him. Feeling him granite hard beneath me. I looked at his face and his eyes mirrored mine. His hands continued caressing my back, playing with the waistband of my pants. My hands are now on his shoulder and my eyes went down to where I was sitting. I let out a sigh when I saw the bulge on his pants. I stared at his lips. "If you kiss me now, Rainia. I won't be able to stop," he warned, his eyes were different. It looked different and I can tell he is serious. He wants me. Just like how I want him right now. I gulped when I looked at his lips. A small smile tugged on it. "Well? What are you waiting for? Maybe we can just do it now. Nevermind artificial insemination." He smirked when he sensed my hesitation. Fuck. He leaned closed, his lips hovering over mine. I could smell the scent of tea from his mouth and I closed my eyes as I smelled his hypnotizing scent again. "Next time you play this stunt on me again, I won't stop myself anymore." He shifted causing me to feel his hardness better and I felt my cheeks getting hot. "You felt that too. Deny it all you want but you are attracted to me just like how I am attracted to you, Rain," he whispered. "And you have nothing to prove. So unless you're serious about it, don't do it again," he reminded and all the strange feelings I had earlier instantly vanished and I get off of him. I fixed my clothes and my traitorous eyes stared down to his pants. I saw him smirk before he turned to the mirror standing a few meters away. He tilted his head and touched his neck, where my lips have been. And horror struck me when I saw it left a mark. "Seems like you left some remembrance over here," he teased, smirking and stood up. I took a step back when he leaned close. "Expect me to pay you back," he said before he sauntered to the bedroom. "Pay me back with what?" That was a stupid question but he just waved a hand. "Get dressed. We're going to the city. There's a bag of clothes on the table. Wear that," he said before he entered the room. And the moment I was alone, I closed my eyes firmly because of the embarrassment. What the hell did I just do? * * *
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