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KILLIAN * I tried to ignore the never-ending stare that Deon was giving me as the three of us sat in the helicopter. I had no explanation for him about why I bought her, and I didn’t have to explain. It wasn’t his money anyway, though there was nothing more annoying than being stared out for hours by him until he steered clear from me and looked at Brynn, and his eyes darkened as he searched her body with a dark desire. I didn’t even know when I let out a possessive growl from Deon staring at her; he had become spooked by my snarl as he instantly faced his widow, and I faced my prize, Brynn, the mysterious girl who was mine, and I could have sworn I caught her taking a glimpse at me when she thought I was looking. I wouldn’t blame her; no one wants to be bought in that putrid sort of way, but I had plans for her, and no sort of sympathy was going to make me set her free. They didn’t set my mom free, so why should I show mercy to a member of the Goldcrest pack? My thoughts were broken by a fake cough from Deon. "We will be landing soon." "And the information I asked for?" "It will be brought to you in a few days; the midnight lady assured me her men will infiltrate and get you what you want," Deon explains to me, but my eyes never left Brynn’s figure; her hands were still tied because I wasn’t sure what she was capable of yet, and we’re in a f*****g helicopter, and I wasn’t ready to lose my life today. We had landed, but Brynn’s eyes and body were shaky and filled with doubt. I moved over to her and unbuckled her belt before pointing to the car and saying, "Get off the helicopter and go into that car," but she ignored me. No one ignores me "I said get out". "No, I don’t even know where I am," she tells me. I didn’t have time for her sulking, as I had to get to a business meeting. "What are you doing?" She shouts as my arms go under her tights and pick her up in bridal style; she couldn’t fight it off since her hands were still tired, thank the moons. Deon had given me one last wave before he got into his car and left while I made my way to mine. There was a small entourage of three black cars, and I marched my way to the middle one, saying, "Welcome back, Mr. Grey." My personal guard, Marcel, says as he opens up the door of the black Range Rover for me, "Take us straight to the mansion." I order him as I put Brynn into the car, plopping her on the cream leather seats before I march to the other side to get in. "Yes, sir, right away, sir," Marcel said as he trained only the engine and sped off onto the main roads. The car was too quiet, and I could feel how apprehensive Brynn was to talk to me. "Tell me where you’re from, little wolf." I called to her, trying to start a conversation, but she looked out of it and ready to burst into tears anytime soon. "You wouldn’t believe me if I told you who I am." "I bought you for millions; of course I’d believe anything," but we were interrupted by Marcel, who spoke out, "Mr. Grey, the investor has been calling me for hours saying he desperately wants to meet you; what should I tell him?" Marcel asks me anxiously, "That old f**k," I mutter under my breath. Mr. Ricardo was an old, nosy man who wanted to invest in one of my hotels, but I knew he wanted more, especially since he has a daughter. He wants us to get to know each other, so he says, "Tell him to come by the house." I told him that as we cornered into a private road and he swerved quietly into a narrow street, the gates opened immediately as they recognized the car with me inside it, and I turned to Brynn. Who’s eyes were studying our every step and driving till we reached the second and main gate, Brynn was wise enough to stop struggling as she saw the amount of security and CCTV cameras there was heavy surveillance on my compound, The car stops, and she glares at me but schools her features down as she is trying to protect her tears from falling. "I’m not going to hurt you, little wolf." I saw in her gaze that she didn’t believe me for one second. "Then let me go. I am of no use to you in any way. You do not know me. Just let me go, and I will do nothing for your life. The money you paid for me, I’ll pay you back double." "Double?" I laughed. "Darling, do you think I care about that measly amount I spent on you? I need you for something very important, and if you don’t comply, I’m not going to play nice with you anymore," I whispered to her as my hand tried to touch her n*****s that peaked from her dress, and she shuddered under my touch. She was tempting as hell, and I had to internally give myself a scolding to let go of her. "So you think you’re safe anywhere else? If you were, you wouldn’t be in that auction house in the first place and being bid off like a plaything." She opened her mouth to say something but kept quiet before she took a breath. "What exactly do you want with me?" "I want you to tell me everything you know about the Goldcrest Pack, every single thing," I answer to her, and a spark of surprise shows in her eyes as she searches mine. " what? What do you want with my pack?" There is nothing you can bother yourself with, but that is the only way to determine your safety and for me to be satisfied with what I bought." "And if I don’t tell you?" "Then.." I say, moving closer to whisper. In Her ears, as my hands traced lower to the open slit of the gown, we were still in the car and had no audience as my fingers went in between her legs to see she wasn’t wearing anything as my hands touched her clits, and Brynn’s body immediately reacted to my touch: "I can make another use of you; you’re mine, and I’d f**k you till you couldn’t walk anymore." "You-you," her voice stuttered out in a shiver. " me?" I chuckle out loud as I stare deeply into her eyes. "Oh, darling, you don’t know what I’m capable of."
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