Her Fear | Chapter Forty Two

1639 Words

When plans fail… LEMON I rolled over in search of my husband, the blanket long discarded from the bed. When I met an empty bed behind me, I peeled my eyes open to investigate. Axel’s handsome face and drool-worthy chest did not greet me in the budding sunlight of our room. “Ax?” I called, pushing myself up. He was rarely ever up before me. My head gave a dull throb, and I was reminded of my stitches. “Axel, where are you?” I slid off the bed in search of my pain medicine and husband. The former was on top of the dresser, so I grabbed a few and went to get water. Axel wasn’t in the living room or small kitchen of our room. I took my meds and then went to check the bathroom for him. I came up empty there as well. “Weird,” I muttered, looking around for a note. His bag was still where

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