Her Secret | Chapter Twenty Six

1710 Words

MEL My life slowly morphed into a raging storm. Before my 17th birthday, I had a clear path. My compass never strayed. Now, it felt like that needle spun in rapid circles instead of guiding me through. I waited on pins and needles each morning until Liam walked through the door to our math class. I knew the moment he passed through that doorway. Every single inch of my body became more and more aware of him as the days went by. Every morning, he smiled as his gaze landed on me. I lapped it up, letting that small friendly gesture fill me. I knew I was letting myself go too far, but I couldn’t help it. It was like I couldn’t breathe each morning until I saw that smile. As the days passed by since our ‘fresh start,’ Liam relaxed into our friendship too. Innocent touches that could neve

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