Her Secret | Chapter Twenty Seven

2834 Words

LIAM JR. I’ve never felt so blinded by rage ever. I couldn’t even explain why. When Azeron stepped aside, and I caught a glimpse of Mel, my heart hammered in my chest. She looked perfect in the white dress thing she had on. It cut off right above her knees, modest but tantalizing. It took my brain a few more seconds and another scan of her to realize she was wearing a large white t-shirt over the top of the dress that was tied at the front. Then I processed that Asher was standing there with his hands on her, and all the pieces aligned. It was immediate. My whole body heated at the site, but not in the way it does when Lilah starts losing layers. I could barely keep myself standing in one place. I wanted to tear his grimy hands off her and shred the t-shirt. It had to be his. It shouldn

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