Her Secret | Chapter Eleven

1726 Words

LIAM JR. Mel ran into the woods, and all I could do was stare at her small wolf until I couldn’t make out its form. I couldn’t imagine why she ran and refused to speak to me. Maybe I had scared her at first, but I thought she’d calm down when she realized I wasn’t trying to hurt her. I wanted to ask her about her shift. I wanted to ask her if it was always so slow and if it was hurting her. I hadn’t realized I was near that old cabin until I caught her scent. It was like my paws took me there without my direction. Then she crashed into me and practically snuggled into my side. It was adorable. And Connor liked the feeling of her wolf tucked into him like that. Embarrassingly enough, he purred as she nuzzled into us. My wolf purred like a little kitten, completely content with this s

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