13. Richard

3330 Words

Thea's POV I wake up with the sun rays directly hitting my face making me groan. As I sit up, I can feel the aftereffects of the alcohol that I consumed yesterday and I feel like hell. I had totally forgotten what a hangover is and, man, does it mess up with your head.  I groan again as I get up and sit on my bed with my back rested on the headboard of the bed. I look at the clock and it tells me that it is just after one in the noon. Thank goodness today is a day off or my phone would have gone berserk.  I look at the bedside table and see a few Advil tablets along with a note. I frown as I try to remember what happened but come up blank. I pick up the note and my eyes go wide as saucers. The note was from Kade and it says, Thea,           I brought you home yesterday so you don't ha

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