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Aunt Beth took complete charge of my life by feeding me every day and giving me the moral support I needed as I tried to  plan for the future. But within a month of my parents death  I realised that I would have to come to terms with additional complications in life I could no longer avoid the obvious fact that my body was not functioning normally and could no longer be put down to shock or worry.  I came to know that I was pregnant I was going to have Blake’s baby. It was on Sunday morning that I finally told Aunt Beth what I wanted to do and my firm decision about the future. If Blake comes to know that I was going to have his child he would take me back not because he loves me but to satisfy his families  wish to have an heir.   He definitely wouldn't consider me fit to take care of his child. I was pretty scared but then I finally thought about it that he would even take the child away from me and let his mother take care of it . I was going mad as it was no good no good at all if I disappear from his life completely he would sure become suspicious. It wasn't the solution but there must be some way of for me to keep the child I stopped getting agitated and placed  my hand over my stomach with possessiveness there must be some way. I was in my deep thought when Aunt Beth walked in and asked me if she will if I want something.   I was very distracted I did not hear what she was telling so she had to repeat twice. When she looked at my disheveled face she came near to me and asked me in a concerned voice. “What’s the matter Lara you look very worried about something?”   After sitting quietly for some time, I thought I must confide with someone and aunt Beth had been such a good neighbor and I already knew that I could trust her completely. So, I told her everything.   Aunt Beth motherly face was marked with worry and she shook her head as there was a new addition to my problems, and she said. “As if you don't have enough on your plate and now the baby is coming. Its okay Lara you just need to take extra care of yourself now and don't you worry love we will think of something. I'll be happy to have another little one around the house.” “Lara your husband thinks you've been sleeping with another guy from the University right?” she noted my hesitation and continued.   “It seems to me if you are sure you don't want Blake to take you and the baby away then let Blake believe that the baby was Dave’s. You wouldn't have any problem right? She asked me flatly.   “But the baby isn't Dave’s.”  I tried to explain wearily and I could never say it was not Blake’s not even now. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction!”   Peter ,Aunt Beth’s son who was standing outside the door was hesitating to come in. I saw him and urged him to come inside.  Once he was settled down he apologised and said he had heard part of our conversation.   Then continued saying, “Lara if your husband is jealous and pig-headed as you say, it will be enough to send him a notice through your lawyer and tell him you are having a baby without saying who's. I should think he will jump to the obvious conclusion. He already seems certain that you've been unfaithful and you say you don't want the risk of him taking the baby away this is the only solution as far as I can see. “You are right and I know that, it's just that it will seem like admitting that his suspicious was justified from the beginning.” I told him restlessly.   “Well now I think first you need to decide straight away what you are going to do about University and where you will live.” Peter pointed out. “Well I suppose I don't need to work of course as Blake has arranged for me to have an allowance and I don't think he'll stop that even when he knows about the baby it would go against his family pride. It's not that he really cares what happens to me.” I said with tears in my eyes.   I stood up and began to walk around the room as though the movement would help me to think and plan for future, looking totally like a mother to be in loose dress which hung loosely around my slender body. It was still not showing that I had a new life already in my body. But the fact is I don't want to accept Blake’s money.  “Do you know Aunt Beth he thinks I married him for his money.”  I added turning to look at her. “He is foolish.” Aunt Beth said flatly.   Peter interrupted a little hesitatingly. “ I know it's none of my business but didn't your dad leave you any property Lara? I'm sure he had a lot of money.” he added before looking at our blank expression. He added saying,” He had told me a year ago just before you met Blake that if anything happens to him in future your mom will be alright. I don't know how much but I think it was one million pounds  and this house was his own.”  His voice trailed way as he saw the blank expression on my face. “Has the lawyer not told you anything about it? “No he asked me to go and see him I just haven't got around to it.” I shook my head expressively as I had thought that the house was rented,  I wondered why no one had come to ask me for the rent money I thought he must have paid a month ago I was going to ask you about it.” I added in bewildered voice. “Well then sweetheart that settles a lot of trouble, so now you go  to bed and go and meet the Lawyer tomorrow in the afternoon and see what he has to say. You can settle your other problems when you know where you stand about the money." Aunt Beth said smiling away with satisfaction.
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