He must be told

1301 Words

“We should go to Maldives sometime later.” I said huskily. “when you are absolutely fine Blake.” He gave me a long look from his dark eyes and said.” I will recover much faster if I go somewhere and have you  for myself.”   I blushed and said pulling away from him. “ I have to go.” And ran to the door and his eyes followed me, narrowing the darkness eyes with anger. “Come back Lara !” He said sharply but I ran out pretending not to hear my body trembling. I went to see Kate straight from the hospital.  Jamie was waiting for me outside and drove me towards the Reid house which belonged to Kate and had spent a lot of time there, after our marriage.   Kate was sitting in the living room and resting. when I got inside she got up and came to kiss me. I brushed her cheek against mine an

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