Chapter 24: Almost Doesn't Count

1077 Words

I stand up and start to back away from him as he comes towards me. I swallow nervously and give him a wide eyed look. “Let's get something straight, Raven. You are mine," he says with a growl. “I don't belong to anyone, least of all you," I protest weakly. My back hits the wall and I know I'm trapped. Rick presses his body against mine and wraps his hand loosely around my throat. I'm not afraid he will hurt me. In fact, I can't deny the moisture forming between my legs in response to his aggressiveness. “Stop fighting me. You know you feel it. That pull you can't resist. You want me. You need me," he argues. I give him a defiant look. “I want you, but I don't need you or any man," I reply. His fingers tighten around my neck and I can feel his hardness pressing against my stomach.

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