Episode 2

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I was numb a few minutes after hearing the news because I wasn’t expecting it. Why would Dylan break up with Ashley? “Why is that?” I asked furrowing my brows in obvious confusion. “Well…because she’s now going out with the school basketball star Aiden- “Becky’s ex!” I sounded amusingly shocked as my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets at her declaration. “Keep your voice down, would you? And yeah, Becky’s. Remember when Becky told us Aiden was cheating on her with some other girl?” Jenna waited for my answer and I nod at her question for a positive answer. “I think our school queen is the other girl” Jenna cleared the ground and my jaw dropped in shock. “That girl is a crazy weirdo…she dumped Dylan for Aiden…I mean who in the world is stupid enough to do that. I still sounded very shocked by the news because I don’t believe any girl in their right senses would do that. “No one except Ashley would do that” Jenna pointed out for me with her eyes rolling and I smiled faintly with my mind slowly wandering off. If Dylan broke up with Ashley, does that mean he’s single now? I knew it was hopeless thinking because I thought Dylan might never like me I’m not his type. “What are you thinking?” Jenna asked jolting me out of my reverie but then her round face developed a sly smile. “You’re thinking about your chances with him now aren’t you?” She asked giving me a curious look while she slightly narrowed her eyes at me. “Of course not, Why do I care if he’s single- “Well, that wasn’t the question” Jenna got me right there and then we stared at each other, for quite some time until she started to chuckle then, her smile disappeared. “This is obsession really” She sighed staring into my eyes with a hard expression on her face as if trying to scold me. “I don’t know why I like him too Jenna, I just can’t help it” I whined giving her a frustrated and sadly fearful expression. “I understand Helen, I think the Dylan guy is the stupid one for not discovering someone who loves him this much” My sombre face dissolved by Jenna’s words and I felt warmer on the inside on that. “Thanks, Jen, I’m gonna try hard to forget him this time” I wish that was true, I wanted to forget him too, but no matter how much I tried, it just wasn’t working. “Don’t try too hard, but I know eventually you will, we should get going, the class would be starting by now” Jenna guessed as she stared briefly at her wristwatch while standing from the park bench we had sat together. “Yeah that’s right” I agreed and we started to saunter towards the lecture room which the class would be holding while having simple. When we got to the class, it was half full and I wondered for a second just how many students were in class but I wasn’t given the chance to guess as professor Barry Hertford walked his way in, his footsteps fast and heavy that had the murmurs of the students dying down the moment he arrived in front of the class. Professor Barry was like the youngest professor in school we have two different young professors in the school but I’m quite familiar with Mr. Hertford since he teaches us. Professor Barry was probably in his late 20’s or early 30’s, he was about 170cm tall and a pure diamond hair which he pulled to the back in wavy strands. He had dim chestnut brown eyes, long and narrow nose and a heavy lower lip perfectly pronouncing his heart's long face, he had a nice brown tone that always made his white teeth quite obvious. He was a very serious man but with a nonchalant attitude and I heard he was very nice too, but I had never had a private conversation with him so I wouldn’t vouch for it. We started our days work of creatures in mythology…there I get to learn more about the wolves, Griffins, and goblins…there were many more but few I was familiar with because I watched them most of the time in movies. “Sir” One of the students called the professor’s attention as professor Barry proceeds in his explanation. “Yeah Thomas” Yeah, that’s Thomas…every lecturer was quite familiar with him because of his brilliancy and active attitude in class. He was a library nerd like Jenna and Jenna pretty much liked the guy but she’d never admitted it to anyone. Thomas Ray is 21 years old with cinnamon hair and olive green eyes, the most inconspicuous thing about him. “I wanted to be sure sir, are angels mythological creatures?” And he comes up with really cool questions too, never would I have thought of asking that. “Why didn’t I ever think of that?” Jenna muttered the question to herself where she sat “Angels are “mythical” creatures. However, ones that are believed in by a substantial number of Western spiritual people and by many ancient societies as well” The professor simply replied. “Is there any chance sir that these creatures are real?” Thoma's question persists. “Your questions reminded me of one of the weirdest professors that have ever lived” That had the students laughing for some seconds. “He wrote a book about angels, told us they were real and living in a hidden world blah blah…you all most know, mythical creatures aren’t real and by the time you start thinking otherwise, I’ll recommend you see a psychologist immediately” That set off another round of laugher then we heard the end of the class bell and professor Barry concluded his class for the day. “How was the class?” Jenna asked immediately we arrive outside the class. “Not a bad one, just the same as ever- “Are you saying this class is boring as well?” Jenna insinuated and I tsked. “Maybe…but not entirely” I replied and Jenna huffed loudly. “That was like one of the best classes Helen, I think you should check yourself, to be on the safer side, visit the psychologist as professor Barry suggested” I laughed at her funny teasing and was about to leave the classroom premises when we heard someone calling our attention. “Jenna” Thomas came calling and we stopped to turn. “Hey” Jenna smiled after he caught up with us. I noticed his nerdy dressing for the first time since I’ve set my eyes on him. He was wearing he had on a striped pattern crew neck sweater which a black vest could be easily spotted underneath with regular fit black jeans and dark brown practical boots. “I didn’t see you in the library yesterday and the day before…is everything alright?” I noticed Jenna’s cheek slightly turned pink by the question, then she cleared her throat. “Well…I did an extension, the school library couldn’t quite provide the materials I needed so I went to the state library outside school” Thomas face lit in realization. “So, does that mean you’ll be going there- “No, No… it was just for particular research, I’m done with it now. I’ll be back to attending the school library from tomorrow onwards” Jenna assured straightening her strawberry hair to the sides. “That’s great, um-“ Okay, this is weird because right now Thomas was suddenly getting shy. “Would you be available tonight?” Thomas finally spilled and we all stopped dead in our tracks. “Um…I should be, why do you ask?” Jenna tried not to blush but she couldn’t help the nervous batting of her lashes. “Well…it’s my cousin’s birthday tonight and I’ll love you to be there- “I thought you didn’t do parties” I couldn’t refrain myself from butting in. I don’t know why Thomas doesn’t seem to like me but he’s always pretending I’m invincible which normally is annoying. “Yeah I don’t but it's my cousin, he’ll kill me if I am not there and he said I could bring any of my friends but I don’t have many friends, you think you can come with me?” Thomas questioned staring at Jenna who seem to share the same look like me as we turned to face each other. “Well, are you inviting me alone?” Jenna asked probably hoping Thomas would invite me too but I doubt he would. “Well...Helen could come along if she wanted” and he knows my name, why am I not shocked? “Okay, I’ll be there” Jenna smiled and Thomas grinned looking a little too elated if you ask me. “Thanks, I’ll be expecting you” Thomas grinned brightly before turning away. “What makes you think I wanna go?” I asked Jenna immediately Thomas was out of sight. “Well…you know I don’t do parties…I could use a hand from someone who’s had an experience of it- “Why don’t you just ask Becky to come with you? Why me? it’s quite obvious Thomas doesn’t like me” I stated the obvious. “Oh c’mon, give the poor guy a break- “You obviously didn’t see anything wrong but my pride is being punctured here, he didn’t even ask me directly, I can’t believe he said if I wanted- “You know he doesn’t talk much so he’s lacking- “Stop defending him, Jenna- “I’m not defending him, that’s just the truth- “You like the guy of course you’d defend him” I muttered and hastened my steps but Jenna also quicken her pace to meet up. “Can you just do this for me, please? This is like my first party since I enter college, I don’t want to screw it- “You need to talk to Becky about that not me, speaking of the witch” I declared as I saw Becky strolling towards our direction with a familiar boy hand in hand. My gaze met Jenna’s immediately I noticed their hands clamping and I start to consider every available reason that could lead to that action but I don’t think I like the one on top of the list. “Hey roomies” She greeted us a little optimistic than usual. “Hey” Jenna’s greeting trailed behind mine a little. “I was just looking for you guys, guess what?”- “Your relationship status changed, we can see that” Jenna replied flatly. “Was it that obvious, your hands are linked and clamped-“ I stated the obvious and the Tyson guy laughed. Tyson is a guy with golden skin tone, just a little lighter and warmer than Becky, he’s very tall about 185cm and his dark golden brown hair is in a heavy undercut, his eye color was kinda eye-catching, it was grey but almost graphite, his snub nose, and round lips were quite befitting to his square-shaped face. “Anyone does that Helen” Becky rolled her eyes in a dramatic kinda way. “Anyone but you” Jenna muttered under her breath and I stifled a laugh because her voice was too low for Becky to make out. “What did you say?” Becky asked and Jenna faked a smile. “I said you two look good together” Jenna lied and I struggled not to burst into laughter. “Babe, meet my roommates and best friends…this is Jenna, and this…is Helen” Becky introduced pointing to each of us respectively. “Hi, I’ve heard a lot about you from Becky, it’s nice meeting you in person” Tyson warmly said and we gave him a warm smile in response. “It’s nice to meet you too, so when did you two start dating?” Jenna asked narrowing her eyes at Becky, we all know what that means, me especially. “Three hours ago-“ We were suddenly distracted by the sound of my ringtone. “Sorry” I apologized and picked up the call moving away from the group. “Hello” I called into the phone not knowing who it was. “Um, Hi…this is Dylan and I found your books under the table locker in Language class 6, I found this number written on the last page of each of the books that’s why I decided to call. “Oh” I suddenly recalled I forgot to check under the table for my books after mythology class, maybe I was intelligent but I was the forgetful type. “I’m so sorry, do you mind telling me where you are I’ll come to get it? Thanks a lot by the way” I replied warmly. “I’m still in the class but I’ll be leaving in 10mins- “Okay I’ll be there” I cut him short and hung up the call. “Guys, I’m so sorry…left some stuff back in class, I’ll meet up immediately I get it” I barely managed to say racing back to class to get my books from whoever the guy said he was. I called the number immediately I arrived in front of the class and while I saw a few students left. My heart skipped a beat when Dylan made his way out, our eyes met for a brief second but he averted my gaze until his phone start to ring, he picked and his voice echoed in my ears…then I figured, it was him. Time stopped that same moment. ---------
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