Chapter 9: Bringing Her Dinner

1112 Words
-Kat- Upon arriving home, an unexpected wave of fatigue washed over me, though perhaps it was no surprise given my recent bout of sleepless nights. Overthinking and under-sleeping had become the norm, especially with someone occupying my thoughts so persistently. I definitely needed some physical release to alleviate the tension. However, as I stepped into my apartment, I was once more taken aback to find a figure seated in the dimness. “What the f*ck?” I exclaimed before turning on the light. “Jax!” “Surprise, kitten,” he teased. “I am going to need those keys back!” I told him harshly. “No can do.” “What the hell are you doing here?” “Well,” he began as he got up from the couch. Sh*t, he looked good. Even if he was just wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, he looked so handsome. “Since you wouldn’t come for dinner at my house, I thought I would bring dinner to you.” “You... did what?” I inquired, confused. He gestured toward my kitchen, signaling for me to go in there, and so I did. On the small dining table, there was food, a little steam rising from it, indicating it was still hot, and... a candle? It was a small one, and I was pretty sure it was one of mine. I turned to look at Jax again, who just gave me one of his teasing smiles. “Hungry?” he asked. “W-Why did you...” “I told you,” he said. “Since you wouldn’t come to me, I brought dinner to you.” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as we sat down and began to eat. The food tasted delicious, or maybe I was just really hungry. I couldn’t decide. “You made this?” I questioned. He shook his head. “I can’t cook. Not even to save my life.” I chuckled. Despite spending a lot of time together before ending things, we didn’t really know that much about each other. “I can’t say I’m a very skilled cook, but I can make something edible,” I told him. “Maybe you should cook for me someday,” he suggested. I shrugged, looking at my food. “Maybe.” “That’s not a no,” he pointed out, making me look at him again. I shook my head and laughed. “It’s not a yes either!” “I think I’m getting you to lean toward it though,” he teased. “Don’t get cocky,” I warned him, which just made him smile. “Can’t run from me forever,” he reminded me. “If I’m determined enough, I think I can,” I replied, not liking that he told me what I couldn’t do. It just automatically made me want to defy him. He smiled smugly, knowing what he had triggered in me. “Nah, you’ll want to be caught by me.” “You think so?” I asked. “Have I given any indication that I want you here?” “Well, have you kicked me out yet?” I opened my mouth to answer, but we both knew I hadn’t. After seeing this little dinner he had set up, I forgot to be mad that he had once again broken into my apartment. “Yet!” I shot back. “There is still time.” “No, you want me here. Why deny yourself all this, kitten?” he inquired, gesturing to his whole body. I leaned back in my chair, crossed my arms, and looked him up and down before shrugging. “Not impressed.” “Liar!” We shared a laugh, both surprised that we could simply sit down and enjoy a normal, casual dinner without arguing or feeling the urge to tear each other's clothes off. “You’re always impressed by me,” he said. I shook my head. “No, I just made you believe I was so I could continue to get in your pants,” I teased. He put a hand to his heart, acting offended. “You were just using me for my unbelievably good body?” he asked, overdramatically. I shrugged again. “What can I say?” I taunted. “A girl has needs.” He smiled at me, and his eyes slowly ran down my body. “That she has,” he purred, his voice turning darker. “And I always loved to please them.” Even if he wasn’t touching me, his voice felt like a caress, running over my skin and leaving goosebumps everywhere. “It’s nice of you to do this,” I admitted, picking up my fork again. “Bringing you dinner?” I nodded. “More like the bare minimum,” he chuckled. I shrugged once more. “No one has ever really done that for me,” I admitted. When I looked at him instead of my food, I saw he looked rather shocked. “No?” “Why would they? I haven’t been in a relationship in a very long time, and I can’t really say any of them I have been in has been very successful.” “You didn’t end up dating Luke?” he questioned. “You thought I did?” He nodded, and I realized then how bad it had looked from his perspective. “No, we weren’t dating,” I confirmed. “You just spent so much time together.” “We were friends before we started sleeping together,” I reminded him. “We share the same friends. Of course, we spent a lot of time together.” “Can’t blame me for thinking you might have started dating him instead,” he countered. "I genuinely don't, and I apologize if it came across that way," I reassured him, observing the surprise flicker across his expression as he registered the sincerity in my tone. “You really are,” he commented. “You think I am that cold-hearted?” I asked. That made him look a bit guilty, probably remembering our fight and how he said I was incapable of loving anyone. But maybe he was right. “I... I can lose my temper a bit easily,” he admitted. “I didn’t mean—” “Yeah, you did, but that’s fine.” “I didn’t, Kat!” he told me a bit more firmly. But I wasn’t sure I believed him. Often, the things we truly think can easily come out in a fight, where suddenly the rules of how to behave get blurred.
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