Chapter 7: Distracting His Friend

1164 Words
-Jax- "Megan told me you went to see Kat," Nathan remarked, seated across from me with a drink in hand and a grin adorning his lips. He had dropped by for a visit, undoubtedly curious about the progress of my pursuit of Kat. While only he and Gina were privy to my plan to woo Kat, it wouldn't be surprising if Megan was also in the loop now, given Nathan's tendency to share everything with her. "I did," I confirmed. "So, what's the plan then?" he inquired, his curiosity evident. It was the first time he had seen me so infatuated with a girl, and perhaps he was also concerned about any potential fallout with Megan, considering Kat was her best friend. "All will be revealed in due time," I replied cryptically. "Playing it mysterious, huh? I don't like it," he teased, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone. I took a sip of my drink, opting to keep the details to myself, prompting Nathan to toss a pillow my way from his seat. I dodged it with a grin, exchanging playful banter with my friend. "Just spill the beans, man!" he urged. "Not a chance," I retorted. "You're impossible," he chuckled. "Promise me you won't whisk her away to some foreign country." "Lips sealed," I responded with a smirk. "Jerk!" he exclaimed, eliciting laughter from both of us. The intricacies of my plan remained shrouded in secrecy, but soon enough, everyone would be aware once Kat was smitten with me, sporting a ring on her finger and a new surname. "So, how's Megan?" I inquired, attempting to change the subject. "Nope, you're not deflecting from this," Nathan insisted, shaking his head. I grinned mischievously. "I was just curious because she's pregnant, right?" I had timed my remark perfectly, catching Nathan off guard as he took a sip of his drink. As expected, he nearly choked, prompting me to stifle a laugh. He glanced at me, clearly taken aback by the unexpected revelation. “What?” he asked after a few seconds. “Megan is pregnant?” “Well—” “Did Kat say something?” he asked, sounding freaked out. I knew they wanted a family, but they also knew now was not exactly the time. Megan had just started pursuing her dream, trying to get into art school. “She just said she was taking a test. You didn’t know?” I asked. Nathan shook his head, looking paler. He placed his drink on the table between us and then got up. “I-I need to go,” he said. “Sure,” I replied calmly, knowing he had fallen right into my trap. This news was going to keep him and Megan distracted for a little while. I had no idea if Megan’s test was positive or not. If it was, then they would definitely remain distracted. “She isn’t,” he said abruptly, as I stood up. I held up my hands. “Just repeating what I heard.” He took a few steps away, then turned to me again, as if I had been insisting that she was pregnant, when I had merely suggested the possibility. “I would know!” he declared, pointing to himself. “Because you’re carrying the child?” I teased, though it was evident he was quite rattled. “Jax!” I chuckled. “She isn’t pregnant,” he stated. “Are you sure?” I asked. “I mean, would she lie to Kat?” “No, still...” “You two aren’t very careful, are you?” I remarked. That got Nathan thinking, and it was evident he was mentally retracing their steps, considering the timing of any potential risk for pregnancy. “Ah, damn it!” he exclaimed. “What?” I inquired. “Dinner two weeks ago.” “Not your family dinner, right?” I clarified. The expression he gave me confirmed my suspicion, prompting me to laugh. Oh, those two simply couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “I’m going to be an uncle!” I declared, just to tease him further. “Shut up!” he snapped. “What? I thought you were all for starting a family!” I teased. “I am! In the future, when we are both ready. I’m 29 and she’s only 23.” “Wasn’t your mother around her age when she had Shane or something?” I inquired. “25,” he corrected. “See, only a two-year difference,” I pointed out. “Don’t look so smug!” he retorted. I couldn’t help but laugh, and there was a moment of silence as he seemed to ponder it all. “F*ck!” he exclaimed. This was priceless. I'd never witnessed my friend in such a state before. I knew that if Megan was indeed pregnant and they chose to embrace it, he'd be ecstatic. But for now, I relished this moment, having been the focus of interrogation just moments ago. "She's not pregnant!" he exclaimed, striding toward the door. I trailed after him, watching as he grabbed his jacket on his way the exit, not bothering to slip it on before swinging the door open. Then, he paused, turning back to me with a contemplative expression as if a realization had just dawned on him. “Oh, you jerk!” he exclaimed. “What?” I innocently replied. “It’s a prank,” he accused. “You’re just messing with me.” I shook my head. “No, I swear,” I insisted. “Swear she’s pregnant?” I chuckled and shook my head. “Swear that Kat told me she was taking a test,” I replied. He eyed me suspiciously, standing with one foot out of the door. The cold didn’t seem to bother him much. He was too preoccupied with trying to determine if I was lying. Eventually, he pointed at me with a serious expression. “Don’t joke about this,” he warned. I held up my hands. “I’m not!” I assured him. “Really, Jax?” “I swear!” “On what?” he asked. “My own unborn child?” I teased, eliciting an annoyed response as he gave me the finger. “If I find out this is a prank, you’re a dead man,” he threatened. “The door is always open for you, my friend,” I replied. “You’re such an ass.” He slammed the door behind him, and I smiled somewhat cruelly before turning around to see Gina looking at me, shaking her head. “That was not nice,” she scolded. “In love and war,” I quipped before walking past her and returning to the living room where I had been sitting. There, I found my phone, unable to resist the urge to check on the one person who had been on my mind for months.
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