Casting His Magic

2012 Words

Kaya’s pov A breath escaped my lips as I looked at Theo, who was now running after my squealing pup, and Zian. Ezekiel was running after them too, but my gaze lingered on my ex-mate. Luna… if we patched things up between us, I would be his Luna. The responsibility didn’t intimidate me. I was confident in Mira and myself. The fact that my son enjoyed Theo’s presence was a plus, but we weren’t mates anymore. So was I suitable to be his luna? Mira started to moan. “Yes, you are suitable. Do it for me and the bond we never got to celebrate. Maybe for you and Archie too, but for me and Lykus, pretty please?” Of course, my wolf would say that, but what if Theo didn’t want me as his Luna? My brow furrowed. He did not want to have his Luna with him, which is why he initially rejected me. The

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