
2018 Words

Kaya’s pov I cringed. “Why do you want him to come here, Arch?” “He always comes to see me,” he said, looking puzzled. “He did, but he won’t come anymore.” With a sigh, I lowered myself to his level and kept him at arm's length. This discussion was inevitable, and it was best to have it now rather than later. “Archie, he hurt me so badly when you were with Daddy, and now I don’t want to see him anymore. I am sorry, my love. I understand you like to play with him, but we can’t be with him.” I carefully studied his demeanour as I spoke, hoping he would understand. His forehead wrinkled as confusion clouded his eyes. “But he said we were family because you were his fia… fian…what is it, mommy?” “Fiance?” He nodded his head. “Yes, that. He said we were family. Why did he hurt you?”

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