Bad News

2170 Words

Kaya’s pov They bared their teeth, struggling against Andre’ and Theo, but didn’t answer my question. Of course. We were their mortal enemies. Why would they answer me? “You can tell us or not. We will find out either way,” Nikita said. “The best option you have‌ is cooperating with us. Perhaps then your life may be spared. You see, my colleague here isn’t like me. She believes in forgiving people. I would rather behead you suckers right here, but she is our leader. She decides when or if you lose your head.” Her lips curled into a smirk. “Perhaps you all are lucky that I am not the leader here.” Her face remained expressionless as she gave death stares to the apprehended rogues. I knew she meant every word she said. “Take them to the pack and lock them up in the dungeon. We will deal

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