
1872 Words

Theo’s pov I stared at the picture the entire night. Kaya was right. My son had my eyes, but the skin tone was hers. He was a mixture of Kaya and me. I had a hard time digesting the facts, but I didn’t have a reason to believe she would lie. Besides, the kid looked a lot like me. The eyes, the hair, and the shape of the face were similar to mine. I sat on the bed and took out an old album. There was an old picture of mine when I was his age. I took it and held it against the phone. The similarities were indisputable. Few features were of his mother's, but mostly, he looked like me. My feelings were exceedingly intense. He was mine. I was actually a father; I had been for five years and was unaware of it. Though I was sad to have missed the first few years of his life, I also understood

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