26: Under the Water

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I KNOW I will create more issues if I do this in front of hundreds of people, but I can’t just let myself be treated like someone they could make fun of after being falsely accused of a crime. Letting negativity rule my mind is like letting myself lose. I should not let my weak feelings get too affected all the time they say or do something. This is my weakness, and I should not let them use this for their own advantage. Enemies plan well against me. I should also have a good plan against them but I’m lacking time, so if my decisions are not good, I hope I’ll be given another chance. If there are really people or other creatures who secretly help me, I thank them and would gladly accept what they can give me. “Naya! I finally know my weakness!” I saw everyone’s confused face but it was the least I care about. “Naya!” I repeated, louder. “Who is Naya? Are you crazy?” the judge. I don’t care what he thinks about me but I nodded because I really am crazy. “Naya!” “Naya!” “Naya!” She’s still not here despite me calling her name over and over again. “Everyone, she is just distracting us to delay the show!” “Naya!” “Naya!” “Nay--” “Stop!” the judge was furious. “Say that name again and I will end your life right now!” “N-naya...?” I teased. He suddenly grabbed my neck, hindering me from speaking and breathing. His elegant brown eyes turned into angry red eyes. Why is he acting like this just because of that name? Something’s fishy... “N-na...ya!” It managed to come out of my mouth even though I am being strangled. In any second, I feel like I’m going to die! The judge’s grip was much stronger than Navi’s! My brows furrowed as I saw the judge’s hair beginning to fade away! What the hell? He noticed me looking at his head then he immediately let me go. Both his hands caressed his head and terror was visible on his face as he felt some of his hair disappearing. People around are having different reactions. A few are panicking. Some are shocked. Most are confused but seemingly amused. I looked back to the judge who’s looking at me with madness. “Naya...” I said again and more hair disappeared. Is he... cursed? I mean, Naya is a witch. Maybe the judge was cursed to lose hair when he hears Naya’s name? I’m not completely sure but... that’s the best explanation for now. “Shut your mouth!” He looks very angry. I smiled. How fun to watch an enemy suffer. So this is how my enemies feel when they see me suffering. Naya, you told me to find my weakness, but I found the enemy’s weakness instead. I know this is not a coincidence. Does destiny like me now? My smile faded when I felt something from behind. Right. I don’t have allies here but the judge does. “Hands up,” a male voice. I slowly turned around and saw a soldier’s sword pointed at my neck. I have another name to call. Should I call her now? I heaved a sigh and was about to speak when I felt the sword slightly cut my skin. I remembered Dave. In spite of the little pain, I smiled. I hope Dave and Navi are doing well. I’m actually glad they didn’t follow me here. Yeah... they did not follow me. I know I’m crazy because there’s a part of me wishing them to be here. If they’re truly concerned... why won’t they come save me? I am so pathetic. I told Dave not to intervene but here I am, thinking about them. But honestly, I also don’t want them to go here because I don’t want them to be in danger. But why didn’t they try saving me? Wait, no. They shouldn’t. But why not? I thought they love me? Even if I tell them not to go, they will go if I’m in danger. But no. They will be in danger as well so it’s better for them not to be here. But what about me being alone? What the hell’s happening to me?! Damn! I really am crazy! “Mama...” I slowly called her. I expected the soldier to put the sword away but he deepened the cut on my neck. My neck has gone through a lot. Strangles, swords, and even a vampire bite. “Mama,” I called her again as my tears were slowly forming in my eyes. “Please help me...” My mouth formed an o as I slowly rose up from the ground. I’m levitating again! Everyone was stunned, even me! I know this is Mama’s doing. But I’m confused why of all other ways, why did she choose to make me levitate? I went up and up that I almost felt like flying. This doesn’t feel strange at all. Of course, I’m a Phoenix so I’m sure I flew a lot in my past life. Can I transform into a Phoenix this life? Right now? I would be glad to be a bird, flying freely with my wings, and not just floating. The surroundings started glitching. I scoffed as I look around. Am I going to teleport to another place? Or am I going to lose consciousness? I don’t know if the people also see what’s happening. I looked down but it’s all black! However, I hear indistinct noises and no matter how much I try, I can’t identify the sound. The next thing I knew was me closing my eyes. This was not the kind of help I expected but... thank you, Mama. MY BODY still hurts but I’m not floating anymore. My hands are cuffed but at least I am sitting on the flat grassy ground around the pond. So after that scene in the garden, I’m back in this blue forest, where I experienced hell. Ironic how I was saved but was sent back to this place. There is no one here with me right now but I can’t be so sure. This is also what happened before. I thought no one was with me but I received surprises. When I escape, I will let them taste cruelty which has always been with me. Peace doesn’t like me but cruelty does. My eyes shifted to the pond as I wait for someone to come t*****e me. I just stared at it until I felt internal forces urging me to do something dangerous. I’m crazy but going into that pond will make me crazier. I waited for almost half an hour but I’m still alone. I’m getting suspicious but happy. Is there a purpose why Mama brought me here? Maybe I’m not here to be tortured. Maybe I’m meant to do something... My eyes went back to the pond. Its shiny sapphire water is tempting me... “Damn,” I whispered to myself, trying to fight the urge to throw myself into the water. Blue... I love that color. But now it gives me the chills. I still love it, though. I’m curious how does it feel to go into that blue pond... Should I do it or not? I looked around to find a flower. I got one and did that thing people do to decide by plucking the petals. “Do it.” “Don’t do it.” “Do it.” “Don’t do it.” “Do it.” “Don’t do it.” That went on and on until I plucked the last petal. “Do it...” I swallowed hard and looked at the pond. Am I really destined to do it? Right. I know it’s dangerous. But isn’t my life full of danger? Why am I hesitating to do it? I might be hurt but I’m not gonna die because cruelty wants to make me suffer more while I’m still alive. That was a convincing thought. Good job, my dear brain. I know the risks of going under this pond but nothing and no one could stop me. I’m already in danger, so why not make it worse? COLD WATER contradicted the burning passion in me, like wild waves taming fierce flames. But ice cannot freeze fire. Instead, fire can melt ice. What I’m trying to say is that no matter the darkness and danger, some would still explore and try solving mysteries because of the invincible curiosity and hope that lingers in every bit of their bodies. I’m one of them. Whatever lies beneath this pond is surely dangerous, but I’m buying it for the sake of not just me, but a lot of people, both in Utopium and Dystopium. I started swimming and finding the direction I wanted to follow when I finally moved on from the cold. I mean, it’s still here but does not impact me that much anymore. To be honest, I don’t know where to go. I’m just swimming, going deeper and deeper as I hope of a hidden kingdom or anything. Before, it’s just possible in movies and novels, but now I can feel there are many secrets ruling this place. The deeper I go, the deeper this feeling becomes. I kinda felt suffocated after several minutes, and I don’t know why. What I know is that I’m supernaturally breathing and opening my eyes underwater. I also know that the pond’s water is supernatural. Whoever has the ability to control it can drown and kill me right at this moment. As I gracefully move my arms and legs, I saw stuff in my mind and even heard some sounds. I don’t really know what those are but they feel like... memories. The pictures were blurry and glitchy, and the sounds are almost inaudible, making me more curious and determined to make those clearer. If those are memories, then they are certainly from my past life. Suddenly, I heard a different sound that was louder. I know that was not from my mind. Oh no... We have a little problem. My eyes wandered around, expecting to find some creepy creature or anything that can produce the sound I heard. It was deep and dark. The sound’s deepness can make you tremble, while its darkness can trigger your curiosity which causes more anticipation. Suddenly I felt my legs freeze. I can’t move my legs! After seconds of freezing, they started hurting. What the hell’s happening?! How am I supposed to swim with these legs?! “Wa.” “La.” “Wo.” Random noises enveloped my ears as my legs are suffering. The pain came up to my chest, my arms, my neck, and my head. “Ma.” “La.” “Wa.” Those were high-pitched sounds, actually making my ears uncomfortable. My eyes wandered around, hoping to see any creature but there’s still none. I keep hearing but see nothing! Red light... I suddenly saw red light a few meters away. I’m not sure what really it is but it slowly gets closer and closer. As it moves forward, I move down because I can’t swim anymore. I couldn’t do anything but let myself go deeper. I was falling down for a few minutes, with my breathing becoming heavy until I suddenly stopped. I almost closed my eyes, but fortunately, I have landed. But this is not the end. The ground suddenly opened and I fell down again. I was breathing heavily when I’ve landed again. But this time, there’s no water. My brows immediately furrowed as I realized that fact. I stood up and looked around with my eyes full of confusion as I see a completely different place. This is not underwater at all. This looks like a classic mansion. My face frowned more. I’m having a hard time sinking in what I see right now. The confusion is overwhelming. But somehow, there’s a part of me getting amazed. Is this place hidden under the pond? “Excuse me, lady,” someone called. I turned around and saw a man who looks like a butler. “Y-yes?” I nervously responded. “The event started three hours ago. You should go in.” Event...? I quickly hid my confusion with a smile. “Oh, yes. Thank you.” I made sure that was elegant to hear. Not the usual me. He led the way to wherever that event is held. I thanked him again before he walked away. A sudden thought came into my mind so I looked down at my dress. It’s not wet or dirty. I touched my hair and it’s not messy. I also touched my neck and there’s no cut. I examined my arms but there are no traces of dirt. I’m all clean! How is this possible?! I shook my head to stop those thoughts from getting worse and just decided to finally move the big navy-blue curtains in an arc. I entered the event. Oh, not yet. There’s another door. I sighed before opening it. As soon as I went in, music blessed my ears. What an elegant setting. Everyone has a great attire that looks expensive. This is like a classic party of rich people. “Greeting again, ladies and gentlemen. The long wait is over.” There’s even a host. “A drink, lady?” I gladly grabbed a glass from the server’s tray. "Let us now hear the precious voice of our dear lady, Corvina Flamiva!” I almost choked on my drink upon hearing my name. My eyes grew larger as someone walked to the stage. The little girl... But this time, she was kinda older. From a 7-year-old, she now looks like 12. “Hear my song and feel the dangerously sweet fire I release when I become a beast... with my wings blazing. My spells haunt those who dare to steal a feather so being graceful is better,” she declared. In a snap, she started singing along with the musical instruments. Okay... what is happening? My mouth was just in an o as she sings. ♪ Hidden, they say it’s more fun if you’re hiding ♪ ♪ Especially when you have something ♪ ♪ And you don’t really mind what they are saying ♪ Is she hiding something? ♪ Taken, somebody took from me that one thing ♪ What? ♪ But I don’t care what they are doing ♪ ♪ No one can hurt me when I kill that feeling ♪ That kinda creeps me out... ♪ You wanted to play with me so I played with you ♪ “Would you mind me sitting here, lady?” a male voice interrupted. ♪ But you weren’t ready for my victory ♪ I slowly looked up at the man in front of me. My soul almost left my body when I saw Navi. What the hell? ♪ You wanted to defeat someone like me ♪ ♪ But your goals were not achieved ♪ But then he smirked. Oh s**t, this isn’t Navi. This is... Ivan! It was just spelled backwards! He sat on the chair beside me even though I didn’t agree. ♪ Chilling in my secret chamber ♪ ♪ While you’re out there, trying so hard to win ♪ He looked at the stage. “The song is beautiful, isn’t it?” ♪ You started the game but I will be the one to end it so get ready ♪ I didn’t answer his question. I’m too shocked to speak. My mind is in chaos. ♪ I was watching you from the window of your house ♪ ♪ Then there was a loud sound ♪ “I bet you don’t remember that song even though it’s yours,” he chuckled. ♪ That was the end of the game, lesson learned ♪ ♪ If you’re weak, don’t play with me ♪ “Do you wanna know a secret?” Ivan’s eyes are now on me. I still didn’t answer. I know he will tell me even if I don’t say yes. “That girl on the stage... is you.” Uh... what? “And here’s the twist...” “That girl on the stage is also your lover’s mother...” What...? “Oh, right!” he slightly laughed. “You have two lovers!” “The clue is... that lover is not me.” I immediately understood what he meant. I don’t know if I should believe him. I don’t know if he’s saying the truth. The little girl... is Dave’s mother? *** The song is my original composition.

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