Chapter 28

1753 Words

“Hey?” Trick reached for Nadiya and held her shoulders with a concerned frown. “Are you okay? You are shaking.” The term shaking seemed to be too mild a description of how her body was assaulted by wild tremors. Nadiya didn’t know if it was just fear or adrenaline wearing off, but she couldn’t control it. She felt it all the way down to her bones. Every breath she drew needed extra effort. Trick looked at her up and down as though looking for any sign of injury. His hands squeezed her shoulders and she could have sworn Trick looked like he was about to pull her close, but just then Lorenzo spoke, breaking the moment. “Keep low to the ground. Let’s get to the library. Edward, can you move Talia?” Edward didn’t bother to respond. He even disregarded the order to stay low to the ground a

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