Sugarman’s Milk-1

2087 Words
Sugarman’s Milk by Elliot Silvestri Chapter Listing One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Chapter One Nate couldn’t help himself. He spent most of the dinner staring across the table at Jennie’s large breasts. She was wearing a shirt that, while modest enough, also scooped down low enough to give an abundant hint of her cleavage. Maybe she was a few pounds overweight, but she carried it well and wasn’t afraid of showing off her curves. It might not have been good manners to stare at another man’s wife, but Grant didn’t say a word to him about it during the entire meal. The two couples had met informally a week earlier at Madeline’s Coffee Shop just to make sure no one was making any obvious lies or exaggerations. That led to an agreement for the dinner with the hint that dinner might lead to something more. Even that fragile bit of framework had taken weeks of planning on top of the search through online personals and semi-cryptic emails. Still, in the long run, both couples agreed privately between their immediate partners, it had been worth the effort. Or so they hoped. “They’re bigger in person,” Jennie abruptly told him, interrupting the flow of conversation. They lived in different towns but in the same county. Since both Grant and Robin worked for the state they had a lot of interest in local politics. They had been lamenting the latest proposed changed to the union contract. Embarrassed, Nate looked away, staring at the wall. “Sorry,” he apologized. Jennie smiled. “It’s fine. I get a lot of it. And I kind of expected it tonight.” She leaned in a bit and lightly ran her tongue over her upper lip. “I actually kind of like it,” she added with just the hint of a wink. “They’re real and they’re spectacular,” Grant intoned, causing everyone at the table to look at him because of his outdated reference. “Well, they are,” he added. “I would know.” “Do you like girls with big t**s?” Jennie asked Nate. She and Grant were the older, more experienced couple. They’d been through this before—or so they had said. She glanced at Robin’s chest, much smaller than her own. It wasn’t a question designed to be an insult, but she realized after the fact that it might have sounded, to Robin’s ears, like one. “Umm, I’m just not used to them, I guess,” he answered nervously as his wife glared at him. “Robin’s are great. They’re just…smaller.” “I like variety,” Grant said along with a sideways glance at Robin’s small chest. His comment filled in the small, uncomfortable silence that suddenly fell on the table. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Human nature. And wait ‘til you see Jennie’s up close and in person. They’re fantastic.” “Are we going to do this, then?” Nate asked nervously. It was the goal line they had all been slowly edging toward. It was a bold suggestion from him, but his urge to copulate overcame his normal urge to remain silent and unobserved. “That’s the whole idea,” said Jennie. She looked over at Robin. “But everyone has to be on the same page for this to work. Are you in, Robin?” The younger woman quickly glanced around the table. First at her nervous, meek husband. Then at handsome Grant who was all confidence but was obviously hiding something. And finally at the slightly overweight and supremely outgoing Jennie with her short cut suburban Mom-style hair. She wanted this to work. “Of course I’m in.” Robin and Nate got in his Dodge Charger to follow the Sugarmans back to the hotel they had agreed upon. Robin had said Nate bought the car because he was over-compensating for his lack of confidence in social situations. His colleagues joked that he bought it because he had a small p***s. It was his coworkers who were wrong. What surprised the Tellers the most was that their new friends climbed into a green Chrysler minivan with little stickers on the back window depicting a stick figure family: husband, wife, three kids, and a cat. “I never would have guessed that a couple of swingers would drive a minivan,” commented Nate as he eased the car onto the busy road, following Grant as closely as he dared. “Maybe that’ll be us in a few years,” Robin offered. Her mind was racing ahead not only to what was supposed to happen tonight, but for the next years of her life. “What, swingers?” “Married swingers with a family?” Robin asked nervously. She wanted this to happen, but she was tremendously worried about the possible consequences. She was a worrier and sometimes resorted to alcohol or a prescription to help deal with her nerves. “Maybe,” he said and settled his hand on her thigh. She exhaled slowly and felt the heat from his hand on her bare skin. It felt good. It helped settle them both, just the contact between husband and wife. It seemed a little daunting to follow this more experienced couple a hotel, but they had taken control of the group’s dynamic and made it seem like the right thing to do. The Sugarmans had planned ahead and set a room reservation. They checked in as two married couples sharing a room while traveling. Nate was certain the woman working the check-in desk would question them about their intentions. But she was bored and barely seemed to care about little more than giving them their keys. She didn’t even question their lack of luggage. Upstairs in the room there were two beds that seemed unapproachably huge to Nate’s eyes. Grant inclined his head to his wife letting her take the lead. They’d done this before and knew how to put a new couple at ease. Jennie needed to be the one to run the encounter. Women were less intimidating to a new couple. “You two ready for this?” Jennie asked as she reached for the top buttons of her blouse. Nate just nodded while Robin said, a little too loudly, “Yes.” “Simple swap, like we discussed earlier. Each couple on a different bed?” “Uh-huh,” Nate agreed as more and more of Jennie’s flesh was exposed with each button that was released. She dropped the blouse off her body showing off her large breasts contained in a black bra. “You okay with this, Robin?” Jennie asked as she unzipped her skirt. Robin was focusing on Grant who had kicked off his shoes and was seated on the edge of one bed, bouncing lightly. It was obvious he was eager for the main event to begin. “Yeah,” Robin answered, only vaguely answering Jennie’s question. The familiar fluttering twinge of anticipation had returned to her p***y. It had been years since she felt that sensation. She knew exactly what it meant. She was about to take a new c**k into her body; that was something she hadn’t done in a long, long time. The need she felt pushed aside every bit of worry and concern to be replaced with an odd, calm sensation. She walked over to Grant, stepping out of her shoes as she did so, placed her hands on his shoulders as he put his hands on her hips. When she looked down at him, he wasn’t looking at her; he was looking at his wife who was now wearing just her panties and bra while kissing Nate. Robin looked away; she couldn’t bear to see him kissing another woman. The moment Robin looked away, Jennie’s hands were busily removing all of Nate's clothes. She did it with surprising deftness. He was naked quicker than anyone else in the room, mostly due to his own eagerness. Jennie was delighted when she reached between his legs and found his hard c**k. It wasn’t absurdly huge but bigger than her husband. “Nice,” she whispered into his ear as she kissed his neck and pressed her body against his. They fell into the bed together, quickly tossing back the covers, with him on top of her. “I was going to give you a blowjob to get you hard,” she said softly as she stroked his length, “but that’s not necessary, is it?” “No,” he moaned lightly, his eyes closed, focusing on what she was doing to him. It felt good and he didn’t want it to end, ever. Her bra suddenly felt tight around her chest. She was swelling up—both from her milk and her lust—and she needed to be free. “Want to see my t**s?” Nate opened his eyes because she took her hand off his c**k. Taking her question as an invitation, he fumbled behind her, searching for the hooks, pulling and stretching the fabric until it slipped free. She tossed it aside and he dropped his mouth to her n****e, taking it between his lips and sucking on it. Her n****e was bright red and surrounded by an areola that was a slightly vertical oval covered with little bumps of Montgomery’s glands. The breast itself was large and swollen; he could just barely see the faint blue lines of veins tracing through her flesh. Jennie hissed in pain spiked with pleasure. “Careful,” she said softly. “Go easy.” She didn’t mind a little pain, but she liked to be ready for it. He nodded and let down, slipping his hand down into her panties, feeling the small strip of tangled curls hiding her p***y. She lifted her hips, pulled down the stretchy material, and tossed her final garment aside. Now fully naked she opened up her legs, letting his hand explore her s*x. His fingers went up inside her and she shivered with the thrill. “I don’t want your fingers, I want your cock.” Fingers were fine, but c**k was always better in Jennie’s opinion. “Are you wet enough?” he asked, feeling her cunt. He wasn’t sure if he should go down on her or just try to start f*****g her. She seemed plenty wet, but he wasn’t an expert. “Oh yeah,” she said grabbing his c**k once again. “Time to get inside me.” They positioned and repositioned their bodies, trying to align his c**k with her p***y. It was easy enough for Nate to insert the mushroom-shaped head of his c**k into her entrance, but then he met a touch of resistance. “You’re big,” she told him, and he flushed with embarrassment at being unable to enter her with ease and because he didn’t like any part of his body or mind complimented. Most men would have been proud of the softly spoken compliment, but Nate didn’t take well to attention focused on him. “Sorry,” he muttered as he grabbed his c**k around the base and tried to force himself deeper into her. “No, that’s good,” she told him. Jennie reached down between their bodies and grabbed him behind the balls, adjusting the angle, until he was able to ease into her. “Oh, yeah,” she moaned softly into his ear. “That’s what I want.” He pushed her open wider than she was used to and Jennie luxuriated in that feeling. “f**k me,” she told him and he started thrusting back and forth. Being opened up more than usual felt new and different and wonderful; this was why she chose to have s*x with men other than her husband. It was new, novel, thrilling, and just a little bit dangerous. Jennie rolled her head to the side and looked at her husband. She smiled at him. He was still seated on the edge of the other bed, but his pants were around his ankles, his shirt was off. Robin was still fully clothed and was on her knees between his legs, sucking his c**k. Silently Jennie mouthed to her husband, I love you and he nodded his head, concentrating on Robin’s mouth on his c**k. She had gotten him hard very quickly. Her mouth was wet and hot, much hotter than his wife’s. Between watching Jennie get f****d and Robin sucking on him, Grant had gotten too close to orgasm too fast. He pushed Robin away, forcing her mouth from his c**k. “Take off your clothes,” he told her, kicking his feet free of the pants and sliding back on the bed, his wet c**k pointing up at the ceiling. Robin glanced over nervously at what her husband and Jennie were up to. Seeing them f*****g sent her mind spinning and quickly looked away. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Instead, she locked eyes with Grant, reached down to the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head. Underneath she wore a small supportive camisole, panties, and a pair of thigh-high stockings. Grant looked down at her legs appreciatively. It was obvious she had dressed to impress her new lover.
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