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"now let me tell you the rules you'll have to follow princess" he said breaking the silence "rule 1 : you are not allowed to step out of this room unless I tell you to Rule 2: you will always obey me , respect me . Rule 3: you aren't allowed to talk to anyone other than me and especially males" "Are these rules clear to you princess" he asked sternly and I nodded in a yes "Good now let's go to sleep" he said and laid me on his bed and my eyes went wide out of fear when he started unbuttoning his shirt . I sat up with a jerk "n-no ple-please don't " I cried out shrinking in the bed as much as possible "shh princess I am not doing anything to you ok , we'll just's just that I can't sleep with clothes on" he said and relief washed over me . he laid me again and laid beside me . when I felt his arm over my waist I gasped and tried to push him but he pulled me more closer ....his body temperature was so cold but all I felt was warmth ....what is happening with me ,I need to get out of here as soon as possible ..i had to get out of here ....but how 3 weeks had passed in a blur and I have followed his each and every ridiculous rule ....he hadn't done anything to me yet but It's not that he would never...I am practically walking on the edge of knife ....but I don't know why he is treating me like an actual princess . he feeds me with his own hand , he has given me thousands of dresses , jewelleries , make up accessories , shoes , sandles and what not but that's not what i want ..i want to go back where i belong with my brother .....but since three weeks I am just sitting here on this luxurious couch staring at the sky and doing nothing .he doesn't want me to talk to anyone but it's so frustrating to not have anyone you can talk or share your feelings with ... I want to go out , I want to have some fresh air even though I was a slave before but still I had some freedom and now I don't even had that left much I miss my brother and my friends , I don't know even how are they now brother is 4 years older to me and we both were kidnapped from our human territory three years back and since then we are being treated like slaves . I was brought back to reality when I heard the door open , I didn't bother looking because it must be the maid with evening snacks . I have now memorized even their time ...... "angel " I heard the familiar voice that I was missing so bad and my head snapped towards the voice ... "ar-arwin" I ran into him and hugged him as if my life depended on that hug and I cried my heart out "shhhh angel shhh I am here now ...don't cry " he whispered trying to calm me down ...but how could I , I was missing my only brother ... "I missed you so much " I said between my cries "I missed you too my angel" he said kissing my head And then when I calmed down a bit I realized the situation we were in "ar-arwin you need to get out of here , if the king saw you he would hurt you " I said pushing him back "no I am here to get you out of here " he said with determination "you are not understanding arwin this is my fate now , I won't be able to escape him and I can't risk your life ....please go...I won't be able to see you hurt please " I pleaded to him "how can I leave you with that bloodsucking monster all alone.....listen angel let's go " he said grabbing my wrist "ar-arwin I – I am s-scared" I sobbed and he pulled me in a warm hug "tell me did he do anything to you ....did he hurt you" he asked cupping my face with his soft hands "no , but he has caged me an-and I – I am sc-scared of him" I sobbed "but you need to go ...I can't lose you arwin are the only one I care about so much life is all about you " "I love you angel and I'll save you no matter what" he said " I love you too ar-arwin" I replied and he cupped my face ,wipped the tears with his thumbs and kissed my forehead And suddenly arwin was pushed from me all of a sudden and I heard the thud sound ... I opened my eyes and saw arwin lying on the floor unconscious and the king standing infront of me . he wasn't furious ....he was livid . his eyes were red with anger and his jaw clenched and his neck veins were throbbing out ...
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