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HEAVEN'S POV  And suddenly arwin was pulled off me all of a sudden and I heard the thud sound ... I opened my eyes and saw arwin lying on the floor unconscious and the king standing infront of me . he wasn't furious ....he was livid . his eyes were red with anger and his jaw clenched and his neck veins were throbbing out "GUARDS" he yelled on my face making me tremble in fear ...I couldn't mustered up the courage to even look at his eyes "TAKE.THIS.PIECE.OF.SHIT.IN.THE.DUNGEON.I.WOULD.LOVE.TO.TORTURE.HIM.TO.DEATH" he said each and every word slowly stressing with anger "no please don't" I said suddenly looking right into his eyes ....pleading with my teary eyes "NOW..." he roared again at the guards to take him and without wasting another second they took him... "please don-don't do anything to him plea-please do not hurt him please don-" I couldn't complete my sentence when suddenly I fell on the floor with a stinging pain on my cheek ..i didn't even dare to look at him... Knowing that i was slapped,  i didn't move my gaze from the ground... I couldn't even sooth the pain when suddenly he brutally gripped my hairs in his fist and made me stand on my feet . my hands automatically went back to where he was holding me  "now heaven it's time for your punishment ....." and with that he threw me and I fell on the floor with a harsh thud again My breathing was heavy...I was dying out of his fear ..i tried to cower myself but it was of no use because the next second he gripped my jaw in a bone crushing hold "now tell me princess why I am punishing you right now" he asked gritting his teeth but I remained silent not because I didn't want to answer him but because my words died in my throat due to fear and i kept crying  "SPEAK" he yelled tightening his hold more "I- I t-talk t-to a male ....*sob* " "AND" he said "l-let hi-him t-touch me" I said "commit all your doings to me right now" he roared like the actual monster he is "l-let h-him k-ki-kiss me "...bu-but it-it's no-not w-what yo-you thin-think" I tried to clear his misunderstanding but he was overpowered by his rage if his anger has overpowered all his senses "SHUT THE HELL UP " he roared again and hovered over me and gripping my both hands in his fist and keeping it above my head .....death would be much better than this pain .. "I think you didn't understand when I told you earlier that you belong to me now let me show you" he said and started kissing my neck and tore my sweatshirt with his another hand leaving me in my bra and shorts ... he then started kissing me brutally ...I cried , I pleaded , I struggled but nothing happened , he didn't stop ... I heard the sound of unzipping his pants and I panicked "don't please stop ....don't do this please I know you are better than this " i pleaded the words automatically left my mouth... I was dejavu for me "please...stop I beg you" i begged he was about to tore my shorts too but stopped suddenly and looked into my eyes ...his gaze was different something that I haven't seen before...I thought his anger may be a little bit suppressed and now I could clear the misunderstanding but I was wrong so wrong to even think that, so what he is a monster but somewhere still he had a heart that still had its humanity on but no I was wrong he stood up and started slashing me with his belt *s***h* "this is for betraying me again" *s***h* "this is for loving someone other than me " *s***h* "this is for saying that I love you to someone other than me " as if slashing me wasn't enough ..he hovered over me yet again , with the tear filled eyes i watched how his eye colour changed from dark red to pitch black that just intensified my fear ..and before i could even brace myself for the upcoming pain ...he inserted his fangs in my neck and started sucking the remaining blood that i had left in my body ....i tried to struggle at first but the grip he had on me didn't let me , and finally i gave body was too tired or say too weak to do anything was numb but not numb enough to save me from the pain ...if right now i wished desperately for anything then it was death ...i didn't want to get rid of this pain that the monster was giving me but death ..i was so desperate to die in this moment ...but it felt like i had done some huge sins in my life that i was dying so slow and in such a brutal manner ...  he continued sucking my blood , then i felt him removing himself from my body ...everything was blur and he too left the room ...he is actually a monster ...a bloody blood sucker ..i hope i am seeing him for the last time , but i hope my brother doesn't share the same fate as me , with this last wish slowly I drifted into the pit of darkness .....but not before saying I hate you  to him because I believed this is my end and atleast I was free to say what I wanted to say 
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