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The early morning sun rises, the wind mixed with petrichor earthy scent of a rainfall. Sun light filtered into eji 's rooms with bright colors as the refection of the sun shone bright on eji's face. It’s being two days of wonderful mysteries for him, he had not slept properly, the rainfall at night had made him relaxed, eji squeezed his eye' open. "I guess for once, I did not dream this time maybe the ghost of dreams decided to take a break,” he recalls the battle of yester night with Shiro. The voice he heard, during the chaos, Four hours later, Ejiro was putting on a brown chino pants, and a black strip t-shirt, a pair of black white all-stars shoes, looks into his room window. His wounds had heal completely, he was surprised but felt maybe it had to do with Shiro he turns to look at his messy room, it was a squared shape room with a ceiling fan, a long bed by the window, chair and desk with reading lamp and messy books, opposite the bed a long wardrobe, cupboard close to the door. Shelf filled with comic books, a typical boy’s room. Eji finished all he needed to do concerning the room, he locks his door when he heard HAVE A NICE DAY he turn around to look but no one was there, that voice again he thought to himself, this was different, normally he would see a ghost talking to him but pretends not to care but this time, a voice is speaking directly to his head. Ejiro and Shiro had already arranged a meeting since school was on a 1week stay at home, Shiro and freeman invited Ejiro to investigate for more information since he could see dreams, ghost and somehow is family was wrapped up in this case , an insurance to solve this mystery. The trios melt in the S. P. P. D convenient store. The Duo on their uniforms of black top coat, White inner sleeves with dark red tie, a pair of black shoes. The trio left in search of detective Yamada Taijo who was the detective 37years ago who handle the case. The trio stood in front of an old, two story building with flowers about it, the building was similar to a modern American house with bright red roof, white colors for the walls, square medium window with transparent glass top floor and down floor was the window and a with door. A garage with a black voltron truck outside, green grasses for the out floor, the duo open the white wooden gate when shiro spoke. “I paid a high price to get information on Mr. Yamada's location’ Shiro rolled his pen around his fingertips, Freeman scratching his neck as always, feeling unconcern, "sensei, "how much did we loss? "Half a million" Shiro replied "Half a million? Freeman surprise look on his face “oh God, my vacation, my chicks, my vodka, my AC and free summer Huawei chicks, my vacation is gone”. Freeman was very handsome and ladies at Huawei are draw to his white hair. "Why are you lamenting? Shiro questioned When you are talking about vacation, you are supposed to add cola to your list, not alcohol, show your respect to you sensei. Shiro "How does that solve our money problem” freeman cried? "Excuse me!! Ejiro interrupted, can we go inside Now, passerby are watching”, they look around and observe people looking at them arguing "We will settle this later”, the trios welcomed into the house with hot tea on a hot afternoon. The living room was made up of TV set on the wall, brown set of luxurious chair, a transplant table. The trio sits. An old man putting on brown pants, white t shirt offered more tea to the already confused trio. Then he sat down sipping his tea, normal skin complexion, bright small brown eyes, and yellow short hair. "So, how can I help you gentlemen? Shiro then revealed all that had happened in the last two days. "And so that's the reason we came to find you, to help find hints to end this case’ Shiro finished talking "Hmmm, this going to be hard”, Yamada reply “the man who sealed the spirit, Mr. ikeja kurosaki, he was a brave exorcist, I think he should be around your age, 27 or about, he had a 10 year old son. "Exorcist" shiro grimaced as Eijiro cuts in quickly “Yes that's my father though I never met him in real life because he had disappeared before I was found but Yuri my brother kept talking about him and Yuri went missing in search of him” "Please do you know where I can find him? "No!! Yamaha replied, he sealed the urban ghost instead of destroying it, he said, at that time he was not prepared because the urban ghost was very strong. She had a daughter who was her sidekick in crime even after he sealed the urban ghost, she continues to kill, but couldn't do much cause of the talisman and charms in the school he had placed. His sword was being repaired due to a war against some alchemist brotherhood so he sealed the ghost after a brute fight in the old school building, he told me he will return to destroy her but never showed up. I was then transferred to solve a case which involved tons of missing persons in the city. "Do you hate exorcist ? Yamada questioned shiro “I don't hate them but I don't like them either, That because we went to war with them Shiro said in serious face. "War," ejiro questioned "Yes war", "the exorcist association went to war with S.P.P.D, they are frightfully strong, and I inherited my power from my master who died in the war. the war was for power and control, the exorcist has being in existence as old as history can recall, 37 years ago, the first disappearance case occur with large people missing ,estimate to be around 500 or more "Wow" Eji surprised look “ The S. P. P. D. Chairman survived and push for the department to be created and legalized, after about 1000 people went missing at once in another region years later ,the government gave a listening ear, and created the department and issue an order that all guilds like exorcist and dungeon hunter label as illegal and be wipe out, when S. P. P. D went to war for issue ,I don't know about the full details, the S.P. P. D faced a lot of death, we won the war as regards the government support but the people that died was too much, even though the S. P. P. D is now having strong member, we don't have a clue of exorcist where about. They just vanished”. "Hmmm" Mr. Yamaha sip his tea, any way I will tell you what I know and who you can meet to solve this case, 37 years ago. King crest high school was on top of his glorious days under the new family head .Sir Isaac Williams. The school has being existing as far back the 80s, and had grown branches national wide. Under the new head who was an elite student from great Oxford University, wanted to improve the status of the school. In order to do that he work his way up with governments officials offering brides and doing some dirty work. Soon student of those government officials started attending that school. The government made things easy and it became a school for the elites, the poor students was intimidated by the rich elites, they get away with whatever they did. Young girls being r**e became hot issue, then I was called. It was during those time a young righteous girl named Vivian was killed. She was a school activist who stood up to challenge the school bullies. Little bribes and cult pressures, the students who she was helping turned against her as the elites watch and laugh. I can't really remember the full details but there was a curse place by Vivian angry mum and next thing I know, months later I was wrapped up in a life and death situation. 26th student including their home room teacher and other related to that issue died, Sir Isaac Williams died, it was stated in that article that was published years ago. 26 student died but that was not true, William used his power and money to hide the truth, cause if the truth ever gets out, the school will fall. One student survived, but she was in coma and also disappeared, she was Vivian's best friend, she was the seer just like Eji, and she sees dreams before the events happen, her name was Catherine Elizabeth. From my findings the seer supposed to be the last person to die after dreaming of his or her own death. A power struggle between the urban ghost and an unknown Spirit saved her, we all believe it was Vivian who helped her. I was lucky to have survived and it became a death plague. Anyone one who came in contact or helped class 3b will be marked for death. The hand imprint on their neck proves it. One last thing, anyone who died, died in different patterns and manner. If one died by drowning, another will die by fire. The incident always had a unique shape which you can't trace except the seer sees it. Total number of death recorded was 301." Mr. Yamaha Taijo went upstairs, and brought an old record book, He gave them a name. Zameal Yashiro. find her, she was a janitor in king crest. She was Vivian’s mother’s younger sister. Ask the school authority to find her. If she is still alive, then you are lucky. After few more conversations with Mr. Taijo, we bead fair well, by the end of the day, the trio were shock and confused about the junk load of information Mr. Yamada had told them. We visited king crest school at the scheduled time. Shiro inform the school about it and rearrange the next two days for a meeting with Mrs. Zameal Yashiro and the current head of king crest who was not around. Meanwhile, the attacks of the urban ghost increase, endangering Christabel. 
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