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The Sun was hanging like a huge fire ball, time estimate 12:30 noon. Christabel putting on a bright white dress with blue flower pattern designs, white flat sneakers, a blue strip hat, she casually strolled out of a supermarket, her eyes wide open. She saw the sailor ghost on her normal outfit, a black sailor uniform, with blood and dirt about clothes, her eyes was black with black blood flowing from her eyes down to her chin. Standing across the road, smiling mischievously, the ghost look to and fro, she saw a black Mack truck driver who was in a depress mental state of mind, she vanished and possessed the driver who was driving ,she turns the steering and faced the front of the truck directly at Christabel who was standing in front of the supermarket. The supermarket was rectangular yellow and red color, red roof with a brand name, "MARKET SIDE" yellow for the pillars with huge windows covers the front. She had watch all that was happening as the black mark truck burst his black smoke into the air and it increase it's speed. The sailor ghost drives full speed to crush Christabel however she jumps out of the road and the truck hits the windows of the supermarket CRASH!! Violent shattering of the thick window glasses. Pedestrian was cut unaware as sighting of the truck driver laughs violently as he crush pedestrian to death destroying the supermarket. Christabel stood up to look at the truck that had crush the supermarket, she was wondering if she can help ,she felt guilty with tears flowing down her blue eyes when she head a reverse sound. “Huh!, a beep sound as the truck in reverse mode, the truck reserve from the supermarket as it completely damage the supermarket, it drove in speed again after a violent U turn with its tire screaming towards Christabel who sprint her ankle trying to run. Facing a death situation as the black truck pointed his nose aiming at Christabel on the floor. “Watch out!!”, Ejiro jumps in and save Christabel, SLAMMED!! The truck slam hard to an electric pole, killing the driver with a huge shard piercing through its throat. , pedestrian crying for the love one’s who had died, Christabel falls on her kneesto the ground, this totally all my fault, tears falls down her chick. “No” “it's not true” eijro replied, it's not your fault, or I will say it's my father’s fault for not destroying that ghost, but if we didn't pull and destroy those seal, it won't have being like this, Eijiro bends and look at her face, if the school authorities destroyed the school building which it's bound to happen now or later or perhaps the school building eventually collapse, will this not happened when the seal is broken. Cheer up Christy, it could have happened to any one, fate just made it, that it had to happen this way, instead of crying, let's find a solution to this, it's fully clear that, the cross on your neck will prevent them from touching you that's why the sailor ghost possessed random people to get you. Ejiro place his hand on her head and look into her face while squatting down,looks into her blue eyes. “I promise, I will always be there to protect you”. Christabel eyes full of joy, hearing sweet words from ejiro, “Climb on” Christabel climbs on ejiros back and the duo walk home in a romantic awkward moment chatting as pedestrian applaud the young duo. … That day, while the trio prepare for a meeting between the school and Mrs. Zameal, Ejiro was hit by a baseball bat severally forcing him to collapse and sleep any were, even on the main road, in his dreams, he saw several attack on Christabel, since the sailor ghost could not kill her directly, the attacks became intense and Ejiro head was on fire with intense pain, cause the baseball had hit him to fall asleep, he then wonder why was a baseball bat popping out from the air to hit him. So he decided to confront the ghost. He went to his classroom, shut the door "Heeeey", Ejiro shouted, baseball spirit”, “Come out” “Show yourself”, “Fight me like a man” and stop hitting me” Ejiro raise an eye brown when he mention the word fight me like man, because he never meant it. BANG!!! The class room desk sounds violently BANG!!! The classroom board was hit by the bat, the ghost started to slide the bat against the board and stop. I AM NOT HEY, I AM NOT A MAN DUMBING I HAVE A NAME, CALL ME BY MY NAME THAT IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN MATERILIZE TO YOU Ejiro thinks for a moment, Hmmm “Yu, what am I thinking, YU can’t be dead.” “Hmmmmm kelvin “NO” “Hmmm, bright” “NO”, YOU BLOCK HEAD, IS MY VOICE SOUND LIKE A GUY TO YOU, and the spirit kept hitting the baseball bat slowly in the class room surrounding eji. He thought about the situation around him and calls “Catherine? ONE MORE MISTAKE FROM YOUR MOUTH WILL BRING A SLAM TO YOUR FACE Then ejiro realized something as he thinks, “Vivian” The ghost became silent “You are Vivian right”, he smile but the bat completely vanish. ... Later that evening, the school authority and Mrs Zameal the former school janitor sat on a conference table in a large conference room. The table was a long brown round table with executive black chairs behind it. The room had four windows by the left with the orange sun filtering into the room. There was a huge TV set hanged on the wall behind the chairman's sit. 
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